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What do you want for christmas?

Started by JDog, November 25, 2007, 01:48:06 PM

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They have Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii? I thought it was only for the Xbox 360. Man, I would love a new PC for Christmas. haha


Why would it be 360 exclusive when it started on the PS2? 8)

It's for PS2, PS3, 360, and Wii. The Wii guitar looks awesome....

I dunno. I really don't want a lot, and I don't care if I get what I want. Well, I do, but not obsessively.

Hi no Seijin

Asides from the one million dollars, I really want to get a hold of a copy of FE 7.  That one I might obsess over.

I wouldn't say no to a new dry erase board either.  Perhaps a larger one so I can take more detailed notes when I play FFTA.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!

Zelda Veteran

I'm probably gonna get a cell phone. My mom gave me the choice between a nice stereo, and a cell phone, and I need a cell more than a stereo. The one I have works, but its so stone age. Anyways, when I do, I'll be on this plan where I get free long distance on weekends, so yall can call and talk to ZV! :P

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


For me, my Wii was already my Christmas present. Other than that, a DS (which I doubt I'll get for a while), and Phantom Hourglass...I really don't have my eyes on anything either. Except maybe for RPG Maker VX. But why have VX when you have the XP version already? Though I really do like the idea of a built-in minimap...but I already have a working script for that now.

Please don't hurt me... :'(

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Baka Nezumi

Thanks, Shika.
Um... interesting clothes and accesories would be awesome.
There was this one Zelda poster that would look nice in my room.

Twilight Wolf

There are about four Sega Saturn games I want, along with Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and the Gamecube version of Tony Hawk's American Wasteland. Plus there are four or so CDs I want.  A Playstation 3 would be an awesome Christmas present, as unlikely as it is. I'm sure there's other stuff, too...
What, you expect me to say something witty?


Well, I would like my parent's to get me an XBox 360 and Halo 3, but that's probably not gonna happen. What I will probably get is some cash and use that to help me buy these myself.
From my sisters, I'll probably ask for either Contra 4, or an all powerful guide to pokemon Diamond, becuase I've saved up just enough money for one of them, so I'll ask for the one I don't have.
One question: I have Wi-Fi in my house, can the XBox 360 hook up to that?


Get Contra 4. The Contra series is quite fun, but hard. No need for a guidebook when there's always gamefaqs.


I think I'm gonna ask for Guitar Hero 3 for Wii. I downloaded, that frets on fire (basically a VERY basic little game for the computer a bit like GH but you hold the keyboard as a guitar) and fell in love so yeah, dunno if i'll get it though because my dad doesn't agree with videogames much.
I'll probably just ask for manga/anime from my brother and grandparents.

As for things I would love but cant have. A PS3 and Assasins Creed for it. I saw the advert and call me shallow but it looks gorgeous.

Rev Rabies

Quote from: JDog on November 25, 2007, 02:01:59 PM
What I want and hope to get are:
1. Xbox 360
2. All three Halo games
3. Bioshock
4. Hopefully a cord to let me go online with the Xbox
5. Some other cool Xbox games.
6. Pirates 3 dvd
7. Phantom Hourglass.
I doubt I'll get all those because the Xbox 360 is still rather pricey but I already know I am getting that.

I hope your an only child or your parents are loaded, and BTW, the 360 comes with an ethernet cord


He's an only child alright...

As for me, I'm not sure what I would want.... Heh, I've been doing a fair bit of shopping online for a lot of things that my parents wouldn't or wouldn't be able to get. Most of them are rare/used/or slightly off the mainsstream.

But I got two things for my sister... The Simpsons Movie and the Futurama Movie. (Both are technically on preorder)

Though to be honest, I'd be quite happy with a few surprises. A wii would be a nice surprise (Brother already has one), but I might not exactly be able to play it that well... (vision/muscle problems, making using the motion a little... unsteady), It'd be good for my sister though, as she'd be able to play and keep a few of the GC games that were meant for her.


I've already got my PS3.  But I don't have any games for it.  So:

Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Unreal Tournament 3
Assassin's Creed
Resistance: Fall of Man

DragonBall Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

Red vs Blue Season 5

PSP(Which I'm hopefully getting for Christmas)
Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters


Yeah, you need Size matters before you play tools of destruction. Size matters was a pretty cool game from what I played. I have it, just haven't played it all yet.

Rev Rabies

My list is quite simple this year

Rock Band (just the game)
Maybe beautiful katamri

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn(a must)

More ATHF dvds
a longer ethernet cable would be nice
iPod nano
i'd also like to get my guitar fixed and get lessons