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Dead Deku Tree

Started by Shadow Ganon, February 23, 2006, 12:59:01 PM

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Shadow Ganon

What happens to the dead Deku Tree during Windwaker. I mean it is dead but it's still there unless some logging company came and made all of those treasure chests out of the deceased. My theory is that the Forbidden Woods is the "carcass" of the old Deku Tree however this could be untrue. What do you think?


im lost here. from what im getting out if it is this:

in oot, the deku tree when kid link was there died. then a sprout came. i think that the deku tree in ww is the sprout in oot

Zelda Veteran

yeah, but thats a good theory! the carcas of the deku tree thing is pretty good, but the great deku tree is beneath the waves.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Shadow Ganon

Ahhhhhh thanx for clearing that up, It seemed to make sense but if that isn't OoT Deku Tree then that starts the question where did the Forbidden Woods come from. Unless of course the koroks planted them themselves and they became withered like the 8 sprouts in WW ;)


the forbbidin woods might be lost woods(oot)/woods of mystery(mm) :D

Shadow Ganon


Shadow Ganon

It does, i mean the distance between the 2 is relitavley the same, and the Deku Sprout is alot closer to the deku tree. Hey maybe the Deku Tree is the Inside of the Forest Haven???


The Forbidden Woods is the Kokiri Forest. One of the Koroks says so. ;)

Shadow Ganon

do you kknow which one?is it before you defeat the Forbidden Woods?


Yes, it's before. Just talk to each of them and you should eventually find out who it is who says it. ;)

Shadow Ganon

Well I've only just re-beaten the game so I'll have to look on the second playthrough.


but shurely the forest would be way beneath the ocean?
and all that salt water cant be good for trees


when i first saw the deku tree in ww it gave me the same reaction i had when i first saw ruto......


what ? omg what the hell is that?!?