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Started by DarkZelda, February 23, 2006, 06:25:57 PM

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could fado b oot link's spirit or sumthin? we all think kaepora gaebora is a rencarnatied sage, so y not fado/oot link?


never mind, i think i answerd my own question. (sorry jack, i know im not supposed to double post, but i fell idiotic) kokiri never grow up, so fodo must b a kokiri we know or sumthin

Zelda Veteran

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


Zelda Veteran

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


Correct me if I'm wrong but don't the kokiriki live forever only within their forest? They say in Oot that if they leave their forest they will age and die. Also how do the kokiriki reproduce if one of them does die? Or perhaps they just don't.

Shadow Ganon

There's laws against that sort of thing between kids davros ;)


haha shadoow gannon. techically, they are old enough since they dont die.... ;D

Shadow Ganon

Good Point, I reckon before Saria realised she was the forest sage she had her way with mido n thats where we get Fado!!1 ;)


Heheh, technically they aren't kids. :P And there's also two sibling pairs in the Kokiri Forest in OoT so they do definitely reproduce.

The first is the twins that lives close to the shop. The second can be debated. Supposedly, that girl who gives you the saw in the side-quest to get the Biggoron Sword is Mido's sister. That makes sense, 'cause if you wear a scary mask and talks to her she says that she'll tell Mido.

The strange thing, though, is that I've heard her name is Fado. ???


Where did you here that Evilslayer? That's an odd statement that could lead to some confusing ideas...

Shadow Ganon

Vey confusing. Every Kokiri will tell Mido if you remember though, as he is the leader of the Kokiri, well, next to the Deku Tree anyway. Plus you can only do the biggirons sidequest as an adult and can only wear the skull mask as a kid, so how do you explain that one??


It's at a pretty old site that has quite a bit of information and screenshots from the early development of OoT. I should try and get a link to it.

Shadow Ganon


saria had a turn with mido...that's rich! ;D