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Started by DarkZelda, February 23, 2006, 06:25:57 PM

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That brings very nasty images into my head. :-X
Then again Mido does seem very jealous of Links freindship with Saria...


it's obvious saria fancies link........


Myself I like to think it's a strong friendship, like brother and sister ( Though weirdly not a very argumentative one...) rather then something sexual. After all Saria was there when Link was brought into Kokiriki forest.

Shadow Ganon

lol, it is a disturbing thought


actually a lot of girls fancie link....he's a babe magnet! :D


i think fado has to b a decendent of some kokiri, but which one?

my theory was he is related to link somehow. they look alike ;D

Shadow Ganon


why cant fado be related 2 saria? they are both sages from kororki after all.

Shadow Ganon

It's a good theory, I mean ruto was related to Laruto, which is official I've read it. :D


mytheorie posted at the begining was he could b an old link that was reincarnated :-\

Zelda Veteran

doubt it. link was not a sage.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Shadow Ganon

yea but he was the Hero of Time, cause he has the ToC he could wish to be a sage, or do you need all 3 pieces, maybe he had kids with Saria or Maybe Saria passed her powers on, like Fado and Laruto did to Maker and Medli???? ;)

Zelda Veteran

possibly! Didnt saria have a small crush on link? And in the flash movie The Real Legend on link fantisizes about kissing her.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


Yes, but that's a fan made movie. Saria said herself that it's destiny they can't live in the same world, however. And I don't think it's because she's a Sage. In fact, she's only a Sage until Ganon has been defeated, and she's not at all in the present.


i dissagre that after OoT saria isnt a sage anymore. how can her desteny and bloodline just be erased?