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Started by DarkZelda, February 23, 2006, 06:25:57 PM

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Shadow Ganon

kool theory, wen i first saw mido i thought he was a gurl :-[


lol- that could be imbarresing in late life........ ;)


 wow, i thought i was embarassing ;)

Zelda Veteran

lol! I know! Mido is a cross dresser like tingle so i dont blame you.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.



wait, dont mido and link wear similar outfits?

Shadow Ganon

Yea. I know they wear the same clothes, it's just his face n hair, he looks like a gurl


dosen't mido wear shorts? link wears a tunic!

Shadow Ganon

I dunno, I'll have to check that one out


i'm sure he wears shorts...... :P

Shadow Ganon

Mido annoys me. I much prefer Saria. And Nabooru iz hot. Medli and Komali are ace 8)


Quotei'm sure he wears shorts......

Which I don't like 'cause it don't follow the time period it's based on at all.

Shadow Ganon

yea, don't all kokiris wear he same type of clotghes??


some girls wear dresses,the boys wear shorts!
yet saria wears shorts and link wears a tunic. ;D


No, all the Kokiris, except Mido obviously, wear tunics. Also Saria. That it looks like shorts is because of the graphics. If you look closely, it also looks like Link is wearing shorts.

Shadow Ganon

yea it does now you come to mention it. Does Fado wear shorts or tunic??