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Ask Ezlo Approval Ratings

Started by Gamefreak, December 07, 2007, 04:56:49 PM

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How is Ezlo?

LOL funny
8 (36.4%)
3 (13.6%)
6 (27.3%)
Not Good
0 (0%)
Henry Kissinger
5 (22.7%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 20


In the opinion of those visiting the site.  How is Ezlo doing?

Speak now or forever rest in peace.


I love the old guru to death, but honestly, I think his answers are starting to be monotonous.  I think the answers could, in my opinion, be a little better.

I mean, I'm not trying to be insulting or anything.  I just think it's time for some variety. :P


Well I like them, even if they are a bit... risque, sometimes.  ::)

Anyways, as long as this is here you guys might as well direct your attention to the main page, where I have announced the OFFICIAL RETURN OF EZLO! Yes, the Ask Ezlo page has been revamped for optimal Ask Ezlo-ing. Because I couldn't settle for the obvious verb.

Go question the guru!
The Fourth! A webcomic about the hopeless case of the game villain.

"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."
- Me!


KP, you returned!

And yes, Ezlo takes forever to respond, and constantly repeats himself...Although many are funny, he just lacks the particular wit and depth he had when Jack was in charge.


I think the repetition is intended, as... odd as that may seem? It's like when a stand-up comic refers to earlier jokes later in his routine. If it were up to me, this probably wouldn't happen; when I did Ulrira I tried to refrain from mentioning earlier answers or messages unless it was the same person asking the question.

Ezlo's different though. Can't deal with him, he's a hard-headed old man. Stubborn as the day is long, he is. Yep.... yep.
The Fourth! A webcomic about the hopeless case of the game villain.

"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."
- Me!


Oh, I wasn't talking about the one on the main site, was talking about the one in the forum..haven't looked at the new one yet..


New one hasn't been updated yet either, I'm talking about the forums one too.  :-[
The Fourth! A webcomic about the hopeless case of the game villain.

"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."
- Me!

Ask Ezlo

Am I to understand that I'm two people, not one? :o

That third evil triplet must be after me again... HIDE ME!

:goes back to the minish pocket dimension of DOOM:


Quote from: Ask Ezlo on December 07, 2007, 10:11:30 PM:goes back to the minish pocket dimension of DOOM:

Case in point.  The OF DOOM thing was funny the first 6.02x10^23 times that it was used.  After that, it got a little old.  After it got a little old, it became monotonous and cliche. :P



Ask Ezlo

Wait, what if I am Alpha?

Anyway, criticism is welcome, that is why our dear Slave driver Lord and master Gamefreak has created this thread.

Did I mention he's quite the young handsome whippersnapper as well?  ;)


You've got a little brown on the sides of your mouth, Ezlo.


He's okay, but I liked the way Jack did it better.  JAAAAACK!!!!  :'(


I hate to admit it but Jack did it better.

Then again, you have to fill in Jack's shoes, and you are doing a pretty good job.


Well whether you like him or not, Ezlo has officially been updated! On the official Ezlo page, of course. Go read? Maybe comment s'more here after? Yay opinions!
The Fourth! A webcomic about the hopeless case of the game villain.

"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."
- Me!