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2007: A recap

Started by Gamefreak, December 09, 2007, 09:16:03 AM

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As 2007 draws to a close, we can use this topic to reflect personally on how 2007 has been to us on and off TDC.

        On TDC, this has probably been the most important year.  For one, I know how much you all support me enough to elect me to the position of administrator.  It has been a tough year for us, but we've pulled through.  
           Off TDC, it has also been a great year for me.  I ran (And barely failed) becoming Secretary of State at Buckeye Boy's State.  After losing the election, I became a lawyer.  2007 has also been a tough year for me at school.  I lost out an election for a place that I thought I had support.  I also placed incredibly low for the audition for our band.  There is a silver lining for me in that situation that will have me back at the top by February.

So feel free to reflect over this year.


Ah, the lovely year of the dog~

School-wise: Well, school isn't nice to me in general, so... I suppose it went pretty well, all things considered. I got to represent the entire Art classes. While I couldn't dress up for Halloween, this year has been pretty fun so far.

Con-wise: I only got to go to one con, unfortunately. ;_; but at the con I saw some really good cosplays, and got to chat with Pyramid Head... so it wasn't that bad.

Art-wise: I've been doodling more, though I don't like half of my sketches. I've stretched my horizons, I think. I'm better at painting and sculpting than I was. Unfortunately, my coloured pencil skill has gone down... /: Those Prismas have ruined me~

Life-wise: Well, I got out of a really bad relationship with a friend, which I'm glad for. I spent the entire summer feeling bad about being mean to her, which kind of sucked... because I'd apologise, get stuck being hurt again, then repeat the process... But now that I'm out of that, I can finally start to enjoy life and forget about what has happened~


Well, my year wen't pretty good, I guess, if you call being rejected a lot good...
On TDC, I know I had a lot of issues my self here...But I learned to get over them(I think) and stuck with them.
Off TDC: I had a pretty good year(minus the 50 some deaths this family had...) I made friend with my old friend that quit talking to me for some reason(so thats always good), I made a lot of new friends from school and from here. I actually got an average in baseball this year!!!! XD and award, last year I got nothing... other than my friend moving down state(nothing bad really happened, you know who you are)... I've so far had some great moments... recently I've been riding too games with this girl and her parents(I kinda like her but she is sadly taken :(), but yea. Nothing to special has happened to me yet... For next year, I hope some of those things turn around... :D


Well, this year, I moved to another location and am now going to a new school, which I like much, much more than my old one. :D

I also got completely pwned at SSBM tournaments, and that threw quite a blow at my morale and mental energy, but ultimately, that's what made me play better with Link. And it made me realize that I need to master faster characters. The next game will be perfect for that, though. :D

I guess that's it for now. I'll name more when I feel like it.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


On TDC, I became a mod. I started posting in HA2 and won RPer of the month in July. My storyline has been practically abandoned though, noone will post :'(

Off TDC, I had my first serious relationship, performed in two plays, and rose from C-Team to First Singles on JV in Tennis...Next year I'm gonna rock Varsity...

Rev Rabies

On TDC, i became a mod

Off TDC, I had my first real relationship, went on my first date, and experienced devastating pain in the form of a kidney stone

All in all it was a good year besides losing that relationship and having the kidney stone


Kidney stones? thats gotta really suck... I've luckly have never had a kidney stone... but another good thing about this year is that I made my school's varsity basketball team(which is the most dominent(spelled wrong) sport at this school).


Quote from: JDog on December 09, 2007, 04:26:31 PM(which is the most dominent(spelled wrong) sport at this school).

More like "the most dominant thing" at that school. (And yes, I do mean more than education.) :P

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Haha, yea, basketball is actually the most important thing at the school, its the only good thing got... as magmarfire said, including education. :D But anyways, to get us all back on topic... someone talk about what they did over the year of 07.


I managed to become even more insane.

What? You need an explanation?



I did a lot of things I cannot tell anyone about. On the other hand, I didn't do a lot of things that I really wish I could tell you about. Let's just leave it at that, m'kay?


On TDC: I joined in the summer, and it took a few months to get used to here. But now it's freakin' sweet.

Gaming: Got a Wii, really awesome, can't imagine what I'd do if I didn't have one.

School: Started high school, it's been ok so far.

Home life: Got a pool, that's awesome too.

Only bad thing is that my dad, whose a contractor for the government, may get furloughed (layed off temporarily due to lack of funding) in February, if those Democrats don't get their heads on straight and pass the budget soon.

Rev Rabies

Quote from: Cold Ice on December 09, 2007, 04:26:31 PM
Kidney stones? thats gotta really suck... I've luckly have never had a kidney stone

Tell me about it champ, it's a horrible experience for us guys


TDC: Not a lot really, I guess I'm quite an old member now though, as in length of time since I joined. I don't post an awful lot, but eventually I may have to eat my words when I said I would never get 2000 posts, that makes me sad.

Home: Meh, nothing notable, I was really happy that one of my best friends came back from a year in Spain. Oh and I've started GCSEs which means a tonne of extra work, I get really stressed over it which sucks.

But yeah everything's been fine ^^


This year has been... tiring. Since the middle of last summer vacation, all my supposed free time was spent (as some of you know, since I would post while in summer school) slaving away in front of a computer to get Computer Apps over with in summer school for 5/6 hours every day for 3 weeks. The other 19/18 (Okay, maybe an exaggeration) was spent at marching band practice. I had to drop a lot of things when school actually started so I could squeeze it all in. I started up fencing again, then had to drop it because I was way exhausted. You have no idea how I almost fall asleep in 6th period sometimes. A lot of good seems to have come out of my slaving away in the heat or freezing in the cold in band, because I've really earned the respect of a majority of the upperclassmen, and next year I'll be drum major assistant, then the year after that drum major.  ;D  (I won the votes by a huge landslide)

My old friend, probably the first guy I ever really and truly liked had to go to a different high school, so that pretty much threw our short ....dare I say it...? "relationship" out the window.

Gaming wise, I got a lot more into Fire Emblem. And RedvsBlue. Even though that's not technically a game. But game related.

Music wise, I got into My Chemical Romance and now adore Gerard with a flaming fangirl passion.  :)

I've almost given up on trying to be valedictorian... I'm trying to maintain a B in biology at the moment... I disappoint myself when I see how far I've fallen, but then again it's honors bio, which is pretty much college level stuff.

This would be my first year taking Japanese at school, and my desire to master it quickly and move to Japan grows steadily every day. My Japanese aunt is a little too proud of the fact that her American niece is taking her languange, and I'm almost positive she brags about it a little too much, but she's cool and it makes me feel worthy and wanted  :)

I think I've changed a lot personality wise this year. I'm a lot more mentally mature and accepting of people. My temper seems to have gotten even shorter though... gonna have to fix that.

Oh yea. I got into RPing and HA2 also.

Mr. bubbles

Ya it has been a good year on TDC forums. I spammed to much though. So for my new year resolution i'll try not to spam so much or at a bare minumum.

P.S. Sorry for so much spam.
I Like Pie.