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Started by alical, December 15, 2007, 02:06:55 PM

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I was thinking there haven't been many good debate/discussion topics since the Abortion one so I decided to start one on Euthanasia.
I know there are some pretty strong Pro-life and pro-choice people here so what do you think?
Are you for or against Euthanasia (Passive and Active)?

I personally am strongly pro-choice and believe active euthanasia should be legalised (with very strong regulations of course).

Commodore Axilon

Oh ho ho, I'm all for a good moral/ethical debate.

I suppose I'd be for it, so long as you have some sort of terminal disease or something. People just shouldn't be allowed to kill themselves whenever they want to, though.

I'm also pro-choice too, for what that's worth.


We had a big discussion on this in English last year.

I don't think you should kill yourself, honestly, suicide isn't right. However, I DO think people are entitled to their own decisions, and forcing them to not get Euthanasia would be violating their rights given to them by the constitution. So even though I don't think it's the right thing, I'm pro-choice.

Commodore Axilon

How is killing yourself a right given to you by the constitution?


Quote from: Commodore Skellington on December 15, 2007, 02:34:34 PM
How is killing yourself a right given to you by the constitution?

It's interpreted in the Constitution that all citizens have the rights of life, liberty, and property. You have a right to life; the government can't take it away from you for no reason. It said nothing about you not being able to take your own life.

But then again, I have heard that suicide is illegal in the U.S...but of course, what's the government going to do about it? Put a dead body in jail?

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Commodore Axilon

Quote from: MagmarFire on December 15, 2007, 02:47:36 PM
It's interpreted in the Constitution that all citizens have the rights of life, liberty, and property. You have a right to life; the government can't take it away from you for no reason. It said nothing about you not being able to take your own life.

Right, it's says nothing on the matter. Thus it's like the myriad other things the constitution fails to touch upon yet we make laws regarding anyway.

Edit: Removed poorly thought out section. i r teh stoopidz

QuoteBut then again, I have heard that suicide is illegal in the U.S...but of course, what's the government going to do about it? Put a dead body in jail?

Do they charge you for attempted suicide, I wonder?


No. They just send you to a psych ward for a month or so.


Alright, what I mean is that I think suicide is wrong because the Bible says it is, but that's a religious thing. No matter how much of a Christian I am, I can't force others to think suicide is wrong. That's where the constitution comes into play--People can believe whatever they want.


Well, I'm not exactly pro-suicide. Just thought I would point that out in case you guys were wondering. ;)

Quote from: JQ Pickwick on December 15, 2007, 03:04:53 PM
No. They just send you to a psych ward for a month or so.

Wouldn't that kind of count as a charge? If someone's suicidal, s/he isn't going willingly, is s/he?

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


It's not really a 'charge'. You can go by volunteer by recommendation of a doctor... Or under different and extreme circumstances, they could involuntary commit you.

The main thing is that you need and are seeking help, you will get it. But if someone has an episode where they pose a danger to themselves or others, they can be involuntary committed.

Hospitals aren't in any way, shape, or form, prisons.


Quote from: JQ Pickwick on December 15, 2007, 08:53:04 PM
It's not really a 'charge'. You can go by volunteer by recommendation of a doctor... Or under different and extreme circumstances, they could involuntary commit you.

The main thing is that you need and are seeking help, you will get it. But if someone has an episode where they pose a danger to themselves or others, they can be involuntary committed.

Hospitals aren't in any way, shape, or form, prisons.

They might be for some people (if, maybe, you're claustrophobic or something XD ), but... Thank you for telling me this. I haven't thought of it being involuntary depending on the severity of the situation.

Still, why make it illegal if it isn't enforced? That doesn't make much sense...

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Picture it this way - a man that assists someone in committing suicide is committing a crime (in most states anyway). However, it would be in very poor taste to try to indict one who is deceased or has had a very close brush with death.

Rev Rabies

Quote from: MagmarFire on December 15, 2007, 02:47:36 PM
Quote from: Commodore Skellington on December 15, 2007, 02:34:34 PM
How is killing yourself a right given to you by the constitution?

But then again, I have heard that suicide is illegal in the U.S...but of course, what's the government going to do about it? Put a dead body in jail?

Well, there is a city in France (can't remember the name) where it is illegal to die, they fine the family I think, but i'm not sure


There used to be some states in which the penalty for attempted suicide was death. Very silly.

And a while ago there was a brother and sister who's mother was terminally ill with cancer. She asked them to help her die so they overdosed her with morphine. She didn't die because doctors brought her back but the two were charged with manslaughter.
I believe that if I was in as much pain as this woman was, had lost all my dignity and freedom to act by myself and death was inevitable, I would like to be able to die peacefully.


What right have you to say some people's lives are less important than others'? That's sick. Sick and wrong.