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Started by alical, December 15, 2007, 02:06:55 PM

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Commodore Axilon

Depends on if you can recover from this debilitating condition, and, if so, how easily, I would think.

The younger you are, the longer you're going to live afterwards. The longer you live, the more productive you can be towards yourself, society, and the species as a whole. Obviously the older you are, the less these things are going to apply, so I don't think young people should have the same rights in this area as an older person.


So basically id only be kept alive to benafit my species via, reproduction, polital wise, or maybe a fighter? Im sorry but thats crap. I deserve every right to end the pain as anyone else. And even if you did recover, how would that exprieance effect you mentally? And why would you even want someone to go through that awfull pain for a whole year? Thats just inhumane.


What kind of pain is it? If it's not a terminal illness, then you don't really know the meaning of pain. If it were a very extensive injury, they'd prescribe painkillers.

But it seems that you're going on about an emotional issue...

In that case, you wouldn't really be requesting Euthanasia as much as you'd seek to commit suicide by any means.

If you're thinking it from the perspective of Euthanasia, then you don't really know what you're talking about. I think we'll just have you carted away to the nearest neuroscience hospital and be done with that.

Think I don't know what I'm talking about?


I know what euthanasia is. You clearly defined it on the first page of this topic. And Im not telling you that you dont know what your talking about, Im just saying that its not right that only the old or teminally ill would have this privaledge. The young should be entiteld to it terminally ill or in extreme PHYSICAL pain. You keep making it sound like I only want it for mentally ill people.


Actually, it sounds more like you want it for yourself. To which case, I'd advise seeking some actual help.

Be specific in the 'circumstances' around which a child may be 'euthanized'. If a thing should exist for a certain group of people, it must exist for a reason, rather than a generality. Which is why it is important to identify the problem before saying 'I want death, kill me now'.

Commodore Axilon

Quote from: Heriophant on December 27, 2007, 08:06:23 PM
So basically id only be kept alive to benafit my species via, reproduction, polital wise, or maybe a fighter? Im sorry but thats crap. I deserve every right to end the pain as anyone else. And even if you did recover, how would that exprieance effect you mentally? And why would you even want someone to go through that awfull pain for a whole year? Thats just inhumane.

Why is that crap? Why is that inhumane? Do you have any actual reasons or are you just going to "bcuz i say so!!11!11!" for the rest of eternity?

And I never said you'd be kept alive solely to benefit anybody, so way to strawman my point there. I'm saying that the older you are, the less you're going to be able to do, thus there are less reasons for you to be kept alive. Or do you for some reason disagree with this?

I don't think anybody here is saying that euthanasia should only be available to older people, just that it shouldn't be as easy to acquire if you're younger.


No. It was said by JQ that if a child was not terminally ill that they should not be euthanized. Only if they where of old age should they be euthanised. And JQ, never did I say I wanted it for myself. I mearly used my age group as and example. And Commodore I think its in humane because,
1) I may have gotton the wrong idea but you made it sound like the young should be kept alive to benefit the country.
2) Why would you make a child go through that pain for a whole year? I just dont like the idea of it. It just sounds mean.
"So what happened to Jimmy?"
"Oh hes going to be in extreme pain for the next year, but oh well, at least he lives." Yeah that sounds reeeaaal nice.


But why are you using your age group as an example? Under WHAT circumstances would 'grave amount of pain for a year' occur?


Im using my age group as an example for the young. And grave amount of pain for a year can occur in any cicumstance. A car accident, followed by months of painfull rehabilitation, or maybe you have cancer and the treatments are very painful. Things like that. Im in no way suggesting or even hinting that im a mentally ill child who is pro-euthanasia just so i can end my pain. Im sorry if thats the idea that you got.

Commodore Axilon

If you have a good chance of recovery, then why should euthanasia even be an option? Seems to me that's just giving lazy people the option to give up. Some things in life are hard, you know? Killing yourself isn't always the answer.


Im simply suggesting that for the young AND old the option to be euthanised should always be open. But I dont think it should be given to anyone under any circumstance. So I would agree with JQ when he says that it shouldnt be so easily aquired by just anyone. I think the topic has pretty much been answered. We are all so far pro-euthanasia we just have different oppinions on how it should be used.


It should, under NO circumstances be used on the young and non-terminally ill. A person gets treatment to LIVE. Not freaking DIE. If a person's gonna be in pain for a year because of treatments, at least they're going to end up LIVING in the end.

That's one really perception of reality right there. "Let's kill jimmy, even though he's going to live in the end, just because he's in pain now and heavily medicated'.

WHY do you think we have doctors and treatments and all these things?! So that in the end, they'll be able to freaking LIVE! NO sane family would knowingly and willingly authorize a euthanasia, if in the end, the Child is going to live and be healthy again.


You have your oppinion and I have mine. I think that young or old should be able to request euthanasia under certain circumstances. Even if those circumstances are just unbearable physical pain that will be endured for a long period of time. You think that only the old and terminally ill should be able to request it. I dont think theres much more to say in this topic without reaoeting the same thing over again.


But it's not just me that's irritated, it's everyone else here on this site. To us, your reasoning makes absolutely NO sense. It's almost like that one 70+ year old guy who's suing a 19-year old for 'age-ism' because she wouldn't have sex with him.

Hi no Seijin

On the other hand, JQ, it doesn't make much sense to deny a younger person the right to choose to die if they're going to die anyway.  If medical science can give them a good chance of recovery, then Commodore is right in asking why should they be given euthanasia as an option?  In any circumstance, that should be the last resort.
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