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The world of JQ Pickwick spirals completely out of control

Started by darkphantomime, February 01, 2008, 10:55:16 PM

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So I may think that a lot of you may be wondering what's been going on with me.

It's like this. I got a new laptop and it has Vista. Unfortunately, Vista is acting screwy on my part. So I'm up in Safe mode right now and trying to get through the daily grind.

So I'm now going to screw with my laptop some more and HOPEFULLY get Vista off my system so I can back with running XP!!!

Now I just have to wait a bit more. I pray to God that Everything goes well this!!!

Because if it doesn't, I'll be out of commission for even LONGER!

Twilight Wolf

Sorry to hear you've been having issues with Vista. It seems like everyone does. (Except me; I use it every day.)

Good luck with your computer!
What, you expect me to say something witty?


Yeah, I've been hearing a lot of bad things about Vista. Hopefully you can fix it though.


I wondered why you've been out. Vista, eh? I've heard it's been mixed in reviews, as well...

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Yeah, Vista can have its problems. I don' have Vista, but whenever my computer acts screwey, I have to go to library and pay 10 cents to use the computer. (It used to be free, but some jacka**es kept abusing their rights (Cough, cough Demaris :P) and the library finally had to charge people to use the computer) A true pain.


That sucks, I've heard mostly bad about Vista.
I think its best to wait till they've sorted out most of the bugs &c.

Zelda Veteran

My cousin uses Vista and hates it, mostly because its so safe, that it slows your computer down so much that using the internet is like racing snails. Pointless. Try taking down the firewall JQ, my cousin did that, and it started running ok.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Twilight Wolf

I haven't experienced many problems with Vista at all, really. Aside from the fact that when there are updates, you have to restart the computer and have no option to do so later, I haven't had many issues. The speed is decent and internet browsing isn't bad at all. Also, it does ask for a password when you download something, but you can adjust the settings to not do this.

I think Vista is just being judged by a few bad cases.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


How's possibly having a virus due to Vista's so called 'security' sound?

Yep, that's what it looks like riiiiiiiiiight here.

I'm STILL in safe mode.

Edit - I'm back in the happy land of Regular sanity again! My computer finally decided to cooporate! Now much work have I, being in college and all.


Twilight Wolf

You need more than just Vista's security measures to stay safe... I would suggest investing in some anti-virus software, too.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


Yeah, the school already provides that for free. :D

Edit - Back to safe mode again -_-*


Quote from: JQ Pickwick on February 05, 2008, 07:03:14 AM
Yeah, the school already provides that for free. :D

Lucky. I have Spysweeper Webroot, and I'm pretty sure it's free. But colleges have a lot of cool things to offer as far as internet goes. At my sister's college, she gets high speed DSL. (Drools) I totally hate her now! ;D Bu she downloads alot of cool videos and shows us when she comes home. :)

Anyway, back to Vista and stuff


QuoteI totally hate her now!  :D

That is SO not the right smiley for that phrase.

Well, how long do you think it would take to get everything back to the way it was?


"Back to the way it was" would for me, getting this to go to XP. Unfortunately, it's just so stubborn and so I'm STILL stuck with Vista.