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Started by DarkZelda, February 28, 2006, 05:16:24 PM

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ok, i started back up again in mm, but when i got on apparently i leard the song SONG OF HEALING. i forgot where u learn that. wher edo u learn that??????

Shadow Ganon

After you Get your Ocarina back on day 3, play the song of Time and go to the mask man, he teaches it you. :) :)


why is this topic called creepiness? ???
listen to this guy! he is nice to my people!!!!!!!!

Shadow Ganon


The Song of Healing is one of the best songs on MM, especially when you get the Gibdo Mask when the background music is the Song of Healing.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Shadow Ganon

kool, i dont remember MM that well, i'll have to start a new game on it soon


mm is too complicated for my little brain! :P

Shadow Ganon

lol, Me n me mate onli got up 2 the last temple, bu we got stuck


got stuck you say?
wanna walkthrough? i'll get you one if you want! ;D

Shadow Ganon


ok but if you do.........................

Shadow Ganon


no prob!
back on topic,the telescope guy is creepy!

Shadow Ganon

lol.old man ho ho is ace


if he's not careful,he'll get a ho ho up the crouch!