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Started by DarkZelda, February 28, 2006, 05:16:24 PM

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TP Zelda

please reveal urself. ill tell jack if u dont reveal urself!


TP Zelda

ill tell Jack someone was copying me or pretending to be me if whoever did this: are u gong to do that for me? doesnt reveal themselves!


TP Zelda

YES! IM SURE! that day i never went on that topic until there was a new reply, i would never write gong. and i new u waere goin to to that for me!

The Postman

TP Zelda


tp zelda........did u tell sum1 ur password?

TP Zelda

no! people can modify there thing. did u give someone ur password?

The Postman

Wait i got an idea report yourself ;D

TP Zelda


Alrighty, back on topic, I don't really think that the spyglass guy is creepy; Tingle is!

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

The Postman

Darth Wyndisis

I believe that age is correct.

The Postman

I am right YAAAAAAY now what wasn't the topic about The song of healing ???