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Started by DarkZelda, February 28, 2006, 05:16:24 PM

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The Postman


So I've seen, I think... ;D

And, I'm still not getting tired of complaining about the second delay! ;)

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Shadow Ganon



Hey, what happened to its rib cage?

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

The Postman

the delays are pissin me off >:(


you are not the only one gettin pissed off!
if they do it again,i'm getting the skull hammer.....

Shadow Ganon

I prefer a good healthy, Hero's bow/Master Sword combo hilst fighting tough enemys. Hey wen fighting Iron Knucles Bombchus come in very handy, just a little titbit


really? kool! i can never aim those things properly.... ;)

Shadow Ganon

lol, just lock onto them, bombs work on Iron KNuckles aswel but Bombchus are easier to it them with


i wonder wat they would look like if they were in ww? ;)

Shadow Ganon

I dunno, I rekon they'd look 2 much like Darknuts 2 b in the game


true! ;)
i hate those dark nut things! it takes a while to get to their backs!
me:hold still!
dark nut:but it tickes!hehe!

Shadow Ganon

lol. Use the oppertunist strike. ;) ;)


which one is that? the parry attack?

Shadow Ganon

itz where ur sword flashes and the A button icon changes