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the computer game time effect- increased in "ocarina of time"

Started by Evilbob, March 01, 2006, 08:50:44 AM

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Shadow Ganon

Why who's ted??? I like been called Moe, Dave or just plain ganon


Don't say the name!!!!! :'( Just leave it as forbidden teritory ok. As for your names why Moe and Dave? They seem to be unrelated?

Shadow Ganon

Well Ganon is obvious. Moe cause he is my fave simpsons character and I kinda act like him and Dave was kinda random



lol- google earth rocks!!! i can see my house!!! hehehe

Shadow Ganon


Its a map of the whole planet on your computer!
You can look for your house and stuff!!

Shadow Ganon

kool, i just tried to install it but me comp aint powerful enough lol


Google earth has pictures of places all over the world but seems to believe that most of north yorkshire has been overwhelmed by a giant black blob.


no, its actually a massive cloud that blurs everything exept towns and stuff.

The Postman

I have returned lol. oh and hi bobby

Shadow Ganon


no, I mean all the stuff that isn't important is blury


yeh they only take hi-res pics of important places - (like bournemouth where i live!)