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Started by medli, March 03, 2006, 08:30:22 AM

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The Postman


TP Zelda

        I think TP might have some dogs in it! I know it's defenitly going to have cats in it!

The Postman

TP Zelda

I'm an animal person. That means I love all kinds of animals. Cats are the cutest furred animal. Oh yeh! I saw this on the news. There was this cat, she ate, I think, 20 pounds of food I think 4 times a day! She's really fat! U CAN ROLL HER AROUND ON HER SIDES! So u can roll her down a hill if u wanted! I love dogs too Medli. Don't worry. Evilbob? When u replied to my cat topic, u said something like, "Finally! A cat topic!" U said something like that. I now know why u said that. It's because u LOOOOOOOOOOVE cats! Right?


i like Ligers (real animal google it) and WOLVES

TP Zelda

What are Ligers?


it's when a Lion mates a Tiger then u get Liger

TP Zelda

OH YEAH! Like a Tigeress and a Lion mate, or a Tiger and a Lioness mate? SO CUTE! And I did google it! THERY'RE SOOOOOO CUTE!


so u like them like me now

TP Zelda

I liked u when u were the first to reply to one of my topics!


TP Zelda


this moment was brought to you by medli's dogs!


i have lots of dogs and i have nintendog  ;D