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Ask Dragmire ( Haha no really )

Started by Master Dragmire, July 01, 2008, 01:52:56 AM

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Master Dragmire

It was a ploy!

But I was just wondering, who is everyone nowadays?
I was here from a long time ago, and come back for periods at a time, and it's really hard for me to know who all the old folks who were big on the forums along time ago are, with all the name changing and such. So if you could, please lemme know who you are. And if your new to the boards, and/or not popular a while back, then there is no need.

Also, does anyone remember me?
I've always been either Dragmire, or Master Dragmire, or even MattAlxdr for a short time. I've been known to be a theorist, and delved in lore, and pretty much dominated the Theories board.

TP Zelda

i am TP Zelda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah i think i remember u...  ;D

Lol what's up Drag.  :P

Twilight Wolf

You probably don't recognize me, so I will introduce myself. I'm Twilight Wolf, TP Zelda's older brother and the resident Sega fan. I've been here for almost exactly a year now (July 2 of 2007 was when I first registered), so if you've been here at all during that space of time, you've most likely seen me around.
What, you expect me to say something witty?

Commodore Axilon

I remember you.

And I'm sure you remember me...or maybe not, I dunno. I'm Commodore Axilon.

Master Dragmire


If you do remember me, my name hasn't changed at all. But I do remember you.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Master Dragmire

Hell yeah Mags
Were you always a mod?

Rev Rabies

i haven't changed my name in ages.

but i used to be a mod.

I'm also the resident 360 fan


I've been a member for over 2 years, but I'm not terribly active, I dont know if you'll remember me.
I remember your name but thats about it.


Quote from: Dragmire on July 01, 2008, 09:21:41 AM
Hell yeah Mags
Were you always a mod?

Glad to see you remember. :D

And no, I've only been a mod since...June or July of last year, I think.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

TP Zelda

I think I remember youuu Dragmirreeee...  :-X I dunno.. Maybe if I looked at some of your old posts I would lol


I've seen you, but I'm not sure if you know me.

I'm Fisk/Fiskers. I'm a girl. I draw and stuff.


I'm who I always was. Vaati, the crazed Vaati fan girl. ;)


I rememer you, you may not recall me though, but I used to go by Jdog or sora.

Master Dragmire