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The stupidity of America

Started by Zelda Veteran, July 03, 2008, 10:00:38 PM

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Twilight Wolf

That's what I'm thinking, too. You should tell your parents, too, because they can help. Your teachers, too, if you can. Heck, tell any trustworthy adult you know.
What, you expect me to say something witty?

Master Dragmire

Well, geez ZV, I thought you were on my side.

No matter, no one on this site ever is.

Anyway, I had no idea that it was still going. As you get older, its not effective as a punishment, and has to stop after age 10. And beating a child with anything other than a blunt object to the buttox, is WRONG.
Plus, if you is beating him, with the intent of hurting him, YES that is bad, and cops should be called.
Theres a diffference between beating a kid, and BEATING a kid.
Nothing is wrong Zelda veteran. He has no problems.
He, from what I pick up, has nothing against his parents.

But this Dave guy, he is in trouble.



Twilight Wolf

Quote from: Zelda Veteran on July 07, 2008, 12:12:12 AM
It makes us all sick.
Its his adoptive mom, and everyone hates her.
She's got crooked cops on her side, so the police are moot.
David never deserves any of it either.
One time recently, she kicked him out of the house which is illegal on her part. Buuuut, thanks to her cops, she filed him as a runaway instead, which is illegal on his part.
Then, when he came home, she slammed him in the face with the Imperial Star Destroyer that he built, and hot-glued together out of Legos. It was his baby, and he was really protective over it. To make matters worse for him, he was saving up money to buy his girlfriend something for her birthday. He had $60 saved up and hidden, and that demon found it, and took it all.

That's what he said, Shika. He hasn't done anything, but like I said before, I can't think of anything that's punishable by beating your kid over the head with a chair.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


He never said what David does with his time though.

Twilight Wolf

...Are you saying you can think of something that breaking a chair over a kid's head would be a decent punishment for?
What, you expect me to say something witty?


...I'm with TW on this one, Shika.


Zelda Veteran

Dragmire, we were laughing about when we were kids. But the fact is, for David, its still happening today. And what does David do in his spare time? Lets see:

X Box
Cloud gazing (He's like totally obsessed with clouds)
Going for walks
Skating with me and Sean
(He's actually the guy on the swing in the beginning, and the black guy getting out of the pool with Sean at the end)
And talking with his girlfriend.

His girlfriend... Jeez. David's mom made the statement "If that little ______ ever shows her face around here, I'll punch her little lights out."

My parents know, but my dad says its best not to get involved in things. David fears that if his adoptive dad gains custody of him, he'll have to move away. He says he'll take all the punishment his mom can dish out if it means he gets to see his gf's face every day.
When he was 18, he was supposed to back to his real parents in Japan. His real name was Kio in fact. However, his mother died recently, and David's real dad said that it was his mother's dying wish that he not go to Japan. David's real mom loved him with all of her heart, so we know something isn't right. Now, we're looking for apartments, because as soon as Dave turns 18, she's throwing him out.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Mysterious F.

QuoteDragmire, we were laughing about when we were kids. But the fact is, for David, its still happening today. And what does David do in his spare time? Lets see:

X Box
Cloud gazing (He's like totally obsessed with clouds)
Going for walks
Skating with me and Sean
(He's actually the guy on the swing in the beginning, and the black guy getting out of the pool with Sean at the end)
And talking with his girlfriend.

His girlfriend... Jeez. David's mom made the statement "If that little ______ ever shows her face around here, I'll punch her little lights out."

My parents know, but my dad says its best not to get involved in things. David fears that if his adoptive dad gains custody of him, he'll have to move away. He says he'll take all the punishment his mom can dish out if it means he gets to see his gf's face every day.
When he was 18, he was supposed to back to his real parents in Japan. His real name was Kio in fact. However, his mother died recently, and David's real dad said that it was his mother's dying wish that he not go to Japan. David's real mom loved him with all of her heart, so we know something isn't right. Now, we're looking for apartments, because as soon as Dave turns 18, she's throwing him out.

GET THAT ******* *** IN JAIL ALREADY!!!!! Does a GUN have to be forced to your head to convince you?! She was never a fit parent to begin with, and deserves to rot in jail. She is abusing her child both physically and mentally, which is completely and totally illegal by United States law. I don't care about whatever doubts you have or whatever anyone else tells you. Consider how much danger David is in.

And I do agree with you, ZV. There is most likely something going on with that. I doubt a loving mother, in her dying moments, would ever even consider having her son be kept in the care of an abusive mother.

Also, others here have posted that hitting a child is okay as long as it is merely a slap on the hand or a simple spank. It is NEVER, under ANY circumstances, okay to hit a child. That is unforgivable.

Also, I suggest one of the moderators move the child abuse posts into a different topic about child abuse (I remember that mods can move certain posts to other topics and stuff).


Quote from: Dragmire on July 07, 2008, 12:52:37 AM
Well, geez ZV, I thought you were on my side.

No matter, no one on this site ever is.

Actually, I'm quite on your side. I was physically disciplined in my childhood, too, but it wasn't serious. Just look where I am now, though: I follow rules and try to uphold them. I think my parents did something correctly there. Sure, today it might be considered child abuse, but these laws are changed with a vote. They haven't been tried and tested like physical discipline has, which has been used for decades, if not centuries. I think it can be effective if used correctly--as in not in excess or not too severely. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if these laws being created to combat social evolution are part of the reason why our society is starting to get worse and worse.

But seriously...with David having to endure this crap...I could pretty much pulverize a stress ball right now. Sounds to me like his "mom" uses him to channel her own anger, and that's just not right. Everyone here can agree that there are limits to this, but this one exceeds it tenfold. My prayers go out to him. But I tell you the truth, you need to get him out of there. Get that deranged bandûla out of his life. This is...just an unspeakable abomination. Please...just get him out of there ASAP...

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Zelda Veteran

Quote from: Zelda Veteran on July 07, 2008, 09:54:59 AM
(He's actually the guy on the swing in the beginning, and the black guy getting out of the pool with Sean at the end)
I forgot to mention that that text was referring to a skate video I made which can be found here

Quote from: MagmarFire on July 07, 2008, 10:30:06 AM
But seriously...with David having to endure this crap...I could pretty much pulverize a stress ball right now. Sounds to me like his "mom" uses him to channel her own anger, and that's just not right. Everyone here can agree that there are limits to this, but this one exceeds it tenfold. My prayers go out to him. But I tell you the truth, you need to get him out of there. Get that deranged bandûla out of his life. This is...just an unspeakable abomination. Please...just get him out of there ASAP...
Believe me man, we've tried. But David says rather than start taking legal action and getting things hyped up, he'll just endure it for 2 more years. He says its worth it as long as he gets to stay here with the people he loves.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.

Master Dragmire

Sounds like this guy is the second coming...
He must have the patience of a  saint
-rim shot-

Ok bad pun.
But seriously, he sounds like he is a cool guy.

EDIT: I think more people should know about this.
ZV, if you would, make a new topic explaining the situation?

Zelda Veteran

The weird thing is...
He really is a saint.
He's never started a fight-
never thrown a punch at Sean or me, (despite how much a douche we are sometimes) :P
He does things that amaze me to this day.
He's really too good for this world ???
I don't know how he does it.

My real Poison team in BW2. They all have perfect natures and EV's. I went the extra distance and bred the right IV's into them. Come at me bro.


Quote from: Twilight Wolf on July 07, 2008, 01:06:59 AM
...Are you saying you can think of something that breaking a chair over a kid's head would be a decent punishment for?

No, I was merely wondering whether her actions may have been influenced by David being a total, disrespectful punk towards her or if she was just insane. And because the question had been asked before and ZV hadn't answered it.

I think David needs to realize that he doesn't need to see his gf every day. If they love each other that much, they'll last. If he's almost 18, then he'll be able to move back on his own and everything will be fine. And honestly, the chances of this relationship working out...they really aren't that high. If he endures this because he thinks it's a sure deal...well, what'll happen if this adopted mom gets hitched with some out-of-control drunk, and David won't leave? Things could end up horrendously badly.

And honestly, if my kid started talking to me like I was a piece of crap, I would be tempted to spank him. Given it was at the appropriate age, of course. However, I don't think physical punishment should be the only solution you have. I would talk to them about why I spanked them, why they shouldn't talk like that, stuff like that. Let them know that I don't think they're worthless, but that I don't want to be talked to like that.

And exactly how far away would David have to move? Couldn't he find someone he could move in with in the area?

Master Dragmire