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Very, very interesting.

Started by Darth Wyndisis, March 09, 2006, 02:42:25 PM

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Darth Wyndisis
This site deals with Revelation Chapter 13 which is about the Anti-Christ and stuff.  The guy has done a ton of thinking and research.  It's kind of scary (if you believe the Apocolypse will happen), but more so informative.  Had to post it here for some reason.


Thank you! I'm kinda glad that they're still makin' these prophecies and things...Not that I'm lookin' for the apocalypse. I just like to think that there should be a bit of magic in today's world...even if it is unholy.

Darth Wyndisis

I find myself believing a lot of that stuff.  That guy sure has a lot of time on his hands, but what he is doing is good.  And yes, the world is unholy.  I should go Bible-whip some people.


Oh come on?! Who can honestly say that they live their life according to the bible...

What the guy is doing is "good" I guess...but what does it matter. What does he suggest I do. Live my life my his prophecies?! No...

The guy has too much time on his hands. Analysising something you can't stop. There is no point to it.

Darth Wyndisis

I was joking.  And you can't live your life by prophecies.  They aren't even his prophecies, but the Bible's

:o  Did you read the Scott Peterson part?


Nope, sorry I didn't catch it. The thing is pretty big. I only caught major pieces of what he was trying to say. Mind tellin' me what's so interesting about this Scott Peterson? The name sounds familiar.

Darth Wyndisis

Big time murder case a couple years back dealt with him killing his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson, on Christmas Eve and dumping her into the Sanfrancisco Bay.  She washed up on shore sometime around Easter.  Scott got convicted of murder, and many people agreed with the conviction, including me.  Only this site argues that she was abducted by a Satanic cult and then killed and dumped into the Bay.  


Wow...that's effin bull. I now remember that name now that you gave me a good knudge and while I was reading this I kept seeing the guy use a negative term for satanism. I happen to know a satanist. We get a long pretty well(DDR brings the world together) but he wrote a nice piece on what satanism is. This should serve relevant to the topic.

It's his only blog...

Darth Wyndisis

Satanism is bad, whether you, or anyone wants to believe it.


Darth Wyndisis

Yes, I did.  He basically described Satanism as Atheism using Satan as an iconic symbol.  It still doesn't change what Satanism is.  I agree with him to some degree; non-religion is Satanism, anti-Christianity is Satanism.  Satanists are very persuasive, and before you know it they will pull you into the black.


As long as you're not being totally closed minded, I honor your opinion but I think he has some pretty valid points and he opened my mind a bit to satanism but that's the not point of this topic.

I was just tryin' to say that satanism isn't as "bad" as this guy is makin' it out to be. They aren't worshipping the anti christ, ya know?

Darth Wyndisis

I think we are supposed to see things as black and white, nothing in the middle.  But I can see what you are saying about some Satanists being better than the extreme evil, cat sacraficing, cow-brain munching, anti-christ worshiping ones.

I discovered something strange/freakish about my full name.  If you count the letters in my first, middle, and last name, they all have six letters.  My name is 666! :o  I shouldn't worry about it though.  Ronald Wilson Reagan was another example of someone with a name like than, and he was a pretty good guy.


i personaly recon the bible was set up by a group of people(governemt?) to bring oder and obediance to the community. creating this higher being would be one way to keep citizens in order and play by the rules( 10 commandments , 5 pillars etc) of that particualy counrt. but the lie got so belived and so out of hand that it waas too late to do anything elce but play along with it.

or summin

i duno.

but the old testament is blatently BS. the earth is 6000 years old (apartentlky) all the different races and skin colours came from adam and eve- and noah saved everly living being on his ark - and they didnt kill eachother

yeh rite.

p.s- i recon satanism is just cos the guythinks its cool

Darth Wyndisis

Dan, why did you post this here?  This would be a perfect thing to have in the topic you set up.  Here we are talking about that website and Revelation 13.