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Started by Takun, July 22, 2008, 04:17:04 PM

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If you could travel to five countries for free, which ones would they be and why?

Ireland-Always seemed like a beautiful place to go. Plus I have a large Irish heritage.

Japan-Because Im a huge anime freak.

Scotland-For the same reason as Ireland

Germany-Because my grandma was in Germany for a long time and told me it was beautiful, and I also have German heritage.

England-My science teacher was came from England and said it was very beautiful, and I have English ancestors.

As you can see Im quite the mutt. ;)


Woot! For Irish and German heritage!  :D

As for me:

Japan - Because I'm a huge anime freak as well, and all of my favorite videogames were made there.  ;)

Germany - Because of my German heritage, and I'd finally get to try out some German-speaking with natives.

Australia - They have the coolest accents and plus, it's supposed to be a really nice, warm climate.

China - They have a very interesting culture. I've always been fascinated with Asian culture.  :)

Ireland - Seems like a nice place to go. I heard it rains alot there, but oh well. Plus, I'm Irish. (Irish, Polish, German, French, Swedish, and native American (I don't know what tribe or whatever, but I recently found out from my mom.)


Im German, Irish, Native American, English, French, and Scottish.
I hadn't even thought about Australia! Good choice!


Ooh!  Ooh!

1. Japan - Big anime/video game nerd

2. England - Landmarks, people I know

3. Iraq - To see if I could get a chance to talk to troops, though I doubt I could get the media to follow me.

4. Germany - Heritage

5. Spain - Looks interesting


Ooh Spain! I hear that it's beautiful there.

Twilight Wolf

Ireland: It's a beautiful country. I have a lot of Irish heritage, and some of my cousins live over there.

Japan: It's a fascinating country where ancient culture and cutting-edge technology blend together. Plus I'd like to pick me up a whole bunch of video games and consoles I can't get in the States easily.

England: So much history! I'd love to visit some of the places the Beatles went, too.

As for the other two... I'll get back to you.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


Let' see here...

1) Italy - Heritage from here, so I gotta go there

2) Japan - I like Anime, Manga, Nintendo... why not?

3) England - England is just cool, so I would like to go there... a lot of famous landmarks and such.

4) India - Lotsa landmarks, supposedly quite beautiful, I say let's go!

5) Israel - Religious significance, and i would lvoe to see Jerusalem.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


1. USA - more specifically, Centralia, PA. I know I live in the US, but that doesn't mean I don't want to visit some places. Uh, there's a lot of reasons to visit-I really just want to see the underground coal fire and all that.

2. Canada - I don't go far from home, apparently-anyway, Canada is awesome. I just... I don't know how to describe it. I love Moosen, and cold weather.

3. FINLAND. Because cold weather is awesome.


5. England. yes to all of the above comments.


Quote from: Twilight Wolf on July 22, 2008, 04:43:57 PM

Japan: It's a fascinating country where ancient culture and cutting-edge technology blend together. Plus I'd like to pick me up a whole bunch of video games and consoles I can't get in the States easily.

Like that Tingle game with a really long name? (I'd actually like to get it, too. I don't like ordering stuff over the internet)

Also, stuff in Japan is much better. Like movies, the Japanese version of the Grudge is much better than the English.


If I do go to Japan, I think I'll pick up all the Zelda Manga I can. Can't read it, but whocares?!

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


aha, off-topic, but whenever people talk about Japanese versions of things, I immediately think of bad Engrish. I know they'd speak in Japanese, but...

I'd go to Japan, but I don't like to be touched/hate crowds, so I'd probably flip out.


Russia, I'd love to return to the motherland.

Germany, to test out my linguistic skills.

Japan, because as a whole they seem about (if not more) screwed up as me.

Sweden, because their women are statistically the most beautiful (coughandeasycough) in the world.

Lebanon, because while I was there I thought it was one of the most beautiful places (scenically speaking) I'd ever been to.

Double-Edit:  Wait, nevermind that.  <_<


 ;D You have a very unique list... I was going to say some of those, but I ran out of room.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


1. France - Hey I'm french, deal with it.
2. Canada - Canada is awesome
3. Netherlands - To perhaps meet a certain someone in person, and the CAFES!
4. England - For some random reason that I'd rather not divulge right now
5. Mexico - Please see Tijuana.


Quote from: JQ Pickwick on July 22, 2008, 05:23:06 PM
1. France - Hey I'm french, deal with it.


Also, for a moment I thought you said you wanted to go to Mexico to get some marijuana.