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Started by Twilight Wolf, August 16, 2008, 09:20:23 PM

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I read  about it an article about Urolagnia

Commodore Axilon

i'm not really sure i want to ask why


I'm an adult, this is the internet. What do you expect me to do?

Commodore Axilon

go a little further than an article at least !


I've gone way beyond articles.

Does that help?

Twilight Wolf

You guys are beyond help, aren't you?

And to think you'll be going to the same college... The educational system just might explode.
What, you expect me to say something witty?

Commodore Axilon

are you suggesting that we're terrorists ?

poor form TW

Twilight Wolf

No, no. Nothing like that.

I just can't imagine that the educational system could stand against you guys' combined forces for more than a few minutes.
What, you expect me to say something witty?

Commodore Axilon

we don't have like the same classes together or anything

Twilight Wolf

You could still meet up to wreak havoc, though.

Do either of you have a video camera? I'd love to see what you could do.
What, you expect me to say something witty?

Commodore Axilon

i don't even have a regular camera

i am camera deficient

Twilight Wolf

Well, I guess it's up to JQ, then.

Seriously, though, if you guys don't meet up at least once, I think you'll regret it.
What, you expect me to say something witty?

Commodore Axilon

oh we're planning to meet up on Saturday

i'm sure hijinks will ensue

Twilight Wolf

You'll have to be sure to tell us all about it.

I'm seriously really interested in how you guys will get along.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


from wikipedia

"Since artificial sweeteners are excreted in urine, consuming artificial sweetener before urine play can lend a sweet taste to the urine. Drinking diet soda, or other beverages containing artificial sweetener, before urine play will have the dual effect of diluting the urine and sweetening it. However, if the taste of sugar is detected in an individual's urine, and it is known that artificial sweetener has not been consumed, this may be a sign of diabetes and a doctor should be consulted. Asparagus, on the other hand, gives urine an unpleasant smell with about 40–79% of people."