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Something I noticed

Started by Mysterious F., August 24, 2008, 04:41:11 PM

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Quote from: Commodore Miku on August 25, 2008, 09:48:36 AM
Watch the OoT ending sequence again. Link has the Triforce of Courage on his hand when he goes back to meet Zelda.

I really don't see the Triforce there on his hand. I see something, but it's just texture or something, otherwise it would be pointing the same direction as his fingers, which it is not.

"In an interview conducted by Nintendo Dream with Eiji Aonuma in December 2006, it was revealed that there are two parallel universes in the Zelda chronology. The timeline is split at the end of Ocarina of Time, when Link is sent back in time by Princess Zelda to live through his childhood, while the original events of Ocarina of Time continue on a different path. Once returned to his original time, Link goes to see Zelda again, and the result of this meeting is an alternate future in which the villain Ganondorf is arrested and tried by the ancient sages, who attempt to execute him, but are instead forced to banish him to the Twilight Realm. Twilight Princess then occurs over one hundred years later, after Link's role as a child in the events of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Meanwhile, The Wind Waker occurs in the "adult Link" timeline, hundreds of years after the Hero of Time saved Hyrule in Ocarina of Time, and it is directly followed by Phantom Hourglass."
There you go. Twilight Princess is in the Child Timeline and Wind Waker is in the Adult Timeline.


     Another theory is that there is no timeline. To me, some pieces just don't seem to fit together as I would like them to. Up until Wind Waker, I thought of the Links being descended from the one before, and the order the games came out was in fact the timeline. Then Wind Waker came out, flooding Hyrule, and after that, Twilight Princess, with a lush, green Hyrule.
     Sometimes, I propose a theory like the 'Two Links' theory, but instead, each Link is actually in their own dimension. I don't like thinking that, because I'm so used to thinking all the Links are somewhat connected.


the no timeline theory could have some weight if you really wanna think about it. i mean, it is a legend....

Ahh... the good old days of cartoons...


A legend, yes, but a legend in which its installments, most of which are in different time periods, make direct references to Ocarina of Time. A couple games, namely Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks (being direct and indirect sequels, respectively), also reference The Wind Waker, which also references OoT. The claim of a lack of continuity would seem to contradict these references.

I'm not saying that the series continuity itself is obvious, but with this in mind, it's obvious that there's continuity.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


so pretty much the main thing we can say is the legend begins with OoT (well, until Skyward Sword comes out-- then it might start there lol) do you think maybe the legend is told by a person outside of time? that would account for the separate timelines.....maybe

Ahh... the good old days of cartoons...


I doubt it. I think it would just be easier to think that no one in the Zelda universe knows of a separate timeline, just like how we ourselves don't know of an alternate timeline to our world. After all, you don't see Twilight Princess referencing The Wind Waker.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


well, they don't reference the events, truth. but things (aka the wolf songs, etc.) are in TP from WW, and from some of the other games too. some things are in the universe rather than the timeline it seems. if it happened in the universe at some point, it will be used at other points in the line

Ahh... the good old days of cartoons...


The wolf songs can easily be explained by the possibility that they existed before the timeline was split, which I can see happening. I am interested in the "other things" you mentioned, however. Care to elaborate?

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.