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Mario/Sonic crossover (FF)

Started by RaphaelTMNT, September 04, 2008, 05:58:03 PM

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Tails is picked up, and carried by the squad leader. Throughout the entire planet, the sound of explosives echoes! The people of the planet will not give in to the invaders demands, and will die fighting.

Mushroom Kingdom

Yoshi and Toadette have joined Luigi at his table. They talk about past memories and things they have done, when absent from one another. Everything seemed to be going well until Mario is brought up in the conversation.

"So where is he Luigi I can't wait to see him!!? If he is looking for the food, they don't bring that out until after the wedding." Yoshi asks.

Luigi lifts his collar up a bit, looking down at his watch. Trying to change the subject, he asks how much time remained until it began.

"It should be starting pretty quick here, a little less than five minutes." Toadette tells.

Luigi gets up from his seat pushing in the chair.

"That should be enough time, excuse me you two."

The plumber walks away from the table, heading inside the castle. He walks passed many people, which travel the opposite direction. Luigi walks into a bathroom closing the door behind him. Walking over to a sink, he runs the water over his face. Looking up at himself through the mirror, he spots a person with blond spiky hair standing in a corner with crossed arms. Luigi turns too this person, who smiles.

"I'm going to take a guess, could you be Luigi?"

The plumber walks over pulling out a paper towel and drying his face.

"Yes I am Luigi. Have we met, I've never seen a guy like you before?"

"I knew you looked familiar, Peach has shown me pictures of you two. I am talking about you and Mario. It is good to finally meet you; I am Dave Peach's fiancé. Oh my mistake, I'll be her husband shortly."

The two share a small laugh while shaking hands.

"You better get outside, so that you can get a good seat. The whole thing is about to begin. Stick around afterward, I want you and your brother to meet some of my family."

"No problem, we can do that." Luigi replies, leaving the room.

Luigi exits the castle looking around too see all the seats are full. He tries to spot Yoshi, but cannot. Trying to find somewhere to sit, he can feel someone wrap their arm around his.

"Come on Luigi, I saved you a seat in the front row."

Daisy walks over with him to their seats sitting down. Not far away on top of a hill, intruders look down on the event through binoculars. They are none other than turtles, or known as Koopas. The group carries some equipment with them; one of them contacts their leader.

"Hello Bowser, I think we have figured out why there are so many people in front of Peach's castle. Please don't holler at us, but it looks like a wedding is taking place. I do not see the princess any where, which means she must be the bride."

"What are you serious?!! Who is she getting married to; it had better not be who I think it is."

Everyone is silent, while looking down on the spectators.

"We aren't sure yet, but we will keep you posted."

It finally begins with the flower girls walking down the Ile. They drop down different types of flowers. Following them are a few different people. Dave comes down with his sister. The Koopas who watch from the hill are surprised at what they see. One of them takes a snap shot of him, sending it to Bowser.

"By the looks of it, she will be married to this man." A Koopa tells.

Bowser studies the picture for a few seconds, before shaking his head.

"Where did she find a pretty boy like this? Surely Mario is there, can any of you see him?" Bowser asks.

The Koopas take another look.

"No there is no sight of him, why is there a problem. I'm only seeing his brother."

No response from him for a few moments.

"This is not an issue; it's just a bit strange. It just seemed to me, that she was his sweet heart."

"Do you want us to interrupt this little event?"
   "No that won't be necessary, just let her have this day. Besides I need some time to think."

Bowser ends the transmission. Back down on the Ile, the main woman walks side by side next to the father of Dave. It is the princess herself. The long white dress brings sparkles into the eyes of Wario and Waluigi, her face is covered. She smiles making her way to the front. She stands on the opposite side of Dave.

"Thank you all for coming today, we shall begin." The pastor tells.

Peach's eyes wonder off into the crowd, instantly her heart pounds fast in the excitement of seeing Luigi! She continues to look around, but realizes what she wanted most is no where in site. Further in, the two of them exchange rings. Dave removes the material from her face. Daisy looks around noticing something strange.

"Ok Luigi, where is your brother?! Does he think he is too good to be here?!" Daisy almost yells.

Luigi turns to her with a guilty smile on his face. Everyone around them can hear, including Peach and Dave.

"I'll tell you about it later, lets not interrupt this."

Luigi turns to everyone who stands before him.

"You can continue now, sorry for the interruption."

Peach wants to say something, but stops herself from doing so. She and Dave turn back to face each other, while the pastor continues. Toad sits behind Luigi, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Don't you think they make a good couple, I'm sure they will live happily together."

Luigi turns to his side, looking back at Toad.

"So what are there plans, do they have an idea?"

"Yes they do, Peach wants to have at least three children. I'm not sure if she will move to his kingdom, or she will stay here."

"And Peach do you take this man to be your lovely wedded husband?" The pastor asks.

She replies by saying yes while smiling.

"I now announce you..!"

Everyone looks into the sky to see large portals forming and opening. Huge space ships come out of them, flying over the castle and kingdom. Luigi and many others jump up from their seats. Lasers are shot down on the large group, who panic and run in different directions! Many chairs fall over in the rush. Theses invaders are widely associated with the others who invaded the previous planet. The suited up men jump out of the ships when close enough to the ground.

"Everyone remain calm and cooperate, our leaders have claimed this planet. Follow the rules or be killed."

Luigi charges one of them, but is knocked across the back of his head. He fall's face first into the ground unconscious. Peach screams his name running over to see if he is ok. But she and Dave are grabbed.

"This is a small group of people; I say we just imprison them all for now. Until we figure out what we want to do."

The Koopas, who watched from the hill, run off leaving their expensive equipment. The invaders do just that, within thirty minutes they have everyone who attended the wedding on ships. Luigi lies in a locked dark room, still knocked out.

Many Galaxies away 

The captain and his group sit in there same little room, back at one of their home planets space stations.

"It seems everything is going better than we have planned, three different planets have already been invaded." The captain tells.

"What about Kinva? Do we have enough sources to resurrect her yet?" Jam asks.
   "Not yet my friend, you just let our leaders worry about that. We just need to focus on taking over this galaxy of planets."

The group talks back and forth, discussing there further plans. The biggest question is what happed to the two greatest heroes? Is there still a shine of hope left?

To Be Continue.








