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So how are you liking school?

Started by Mysterious F., September 17, 2008, 02:06:58 PM

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Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


School's okay for me.
In School:
Almost every class I'm in has a SmartBoard. I'm getting really good grades in German II Honors, which is really good. I'm going to get my certification for CPR in Health soon
I'm learning alot in my Digital Arts class and my teacher likes my work.
21st Century Issues always depresses me because our teacher always talks about how bad the economy is and how hard it will be for an average Joe to get even a simple job.
My Geometry teacher is really nice and spunky. Although there's these two annoying freshmen in my group for Biology, there's this really cool freshman who likes Zelda.
My lunch is really late (7th period), but luckily, my 21st Century Issues and Geometry teachers both let us eat in their classes. And I have alot of friends in my lunch hour.
English is okay. Kinda bored of Greek literature, but it can't really be helped.

After School Activities:
Although I haven't shown up for a single meeting this year for German Club yet because I've been too busy, I got to be with the German Club float for the homecoming parade.
I'm an Officer in Otaku Club and people know me as the weird girl who dresses like Vaati.  ;D There's a boy in the club who dresses like Link, so we duel.  ;)
I stay after school on Thursdays for extra help in Photoshop, but my friend who teaches the class lets me help too since I already have some background knowledge in Photoshop.


Quote from: o0Zelda0o on October 10, 2008, 03:53:37 PM
I've taken History, Spanish and Textiles for my options
and then theres the compulsaries =(
Like, maths, english, science, I.C.T, P.H.S.E, R.E, P.E  :-*

and you? ^^

For my options I chose French, Geography, Religious Studies and Art.
And ICT because it wasnt compulsory for us.


I.C.T is not for you?!  :( That's so unfair,  ::) I can't stand I.C.T, we have to do some OCR Nationals thing  :-* It's soooo boring!!!  :'(


Umm... What do all these abbreviations stand for?


G.C.S.E - General Certificate of Secondary Education

OCR Nationals - vocationally-related qualifications which were officially launched by the OCR Board in September 2004. (An English exam kinda thing)

I.C.T - Information Computer Tech, a subject that students in this country study

P.H.S.E - I don't know what it means lol, but  ;) It's when you study things like the Government, what your going to do with life, sex, relationships, life e.c.t....

R.E - Religious Education

That help?  :D


physical health and sex education? :B


We learn them in Biology mostly, but to part of them in P.H.S.E


For us it's PSHE, personal and social  health education.
But we dont do it for GCSE.

ICT is SO boring, I only chose it because it was one of four choices and I thought it would be more useful than the others (drama, sports studies or statistics.)


P.S.H.E isn't a G.C.S.E for us, we just have to do it  :-*


You totally should've gone for Drama.


I go to drama school so taking it in school would have been pretty pointless. Besides my school is very small and not many people pick Drama.


I meant that towards Alical, since she mentioned drama.


oohhhh  ;) lol Sorry I thought you ment me! XD


I take Hons Geometry, Hon French 1, Hon Earth Systems, Art 1, Band, Hon World History, English and Freshmen Semenar, Only likin ARt and Band at this point