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So how are you liking school?

Started by Mysterious F., September 17, 2008, 02:06:58 PM

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Twilight Wolf

I believe you would be correct in that assumption.

Here's what I've got:

  • Algebra 2
  • History
  • Biology
  • English
  • Consumer Math

I chose to go with Consumer Math because there was a very poor choice of electives and it was the only one that didn't totally suck.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


Twilight Wolf

Yep. But like I said, their selection is terrible... Not to mention only female students can take Home Ec. Consumer Math was the only one that sounded even remotely interesting. They had one called "Computer Science," or something to that effect, and I was hoping it was programming or something, since I think it might be fun to learn... but it was just working with word processing programs and learning how to type "properly."
What, you expect me to say something witty?


Quote from: JQ Pickwick on October 13, 2008, 02:24:23 PM
You totally should've gone for Drama.

I only did ICT because almost every job now requires some sort of Computer qualification. I didn't want to do any of them, I'd rather have done Spanish but ICT seemed the most useful out of all of them.

I found out today that I go to school in the "most complete medieval town in Britain". What larks.


Hmm... so I am definitely the most busy person that I know.

0.) Choir/ Musical Studies
1.)Computer Aided Drafting (at Kirtland Community College)
2.)English III/ MSU class (pretty much two classes in one hour)
3.)Academic Enrichment
4.)World History
7.)English Composition (at Kirtland)
8.)Writing Lab (also at Kirtland)

Current Sports: Volleyball, Cross Country, and Equestrian (Basketball starts next week)
Other stuff I participate in: Yearbook, Student Council, Knowledge Bowl, the local Fund Raising Committee, tutoring, and a part in the school musical.

I get up at 5:30 and do not get home until at least 7... usually later when I have a meet,game, or practice of some sort. So, yeah.  ;)


oh my god I could never be that busy!
Especially with 2 hours of homework a night, I would never cope.
Good luck with it!


Its actually not that bad when you get used to 5 hours of sleep at night.  :-X

Carpet Merchant

FInally done with first semeister of college...
I think i need to sleep for about two weeks, but I have work and a date tommorrow. Ah well.


I'm about ready to start my first semester of College. 

Going to be going into the Political Science courses.

Mysterious F.

You'll do well, of course. Cheers to the future president of the Skull and Bones!  ;D


Well (I know I'm a few months late) I'm in the big 12 year. I go to a specialized tech school, so my area of study is Digital Communications, or Digital Art. It's funny, because in college I'm going to study Music Education. I got accepted at the local college, and am starting in the fall.

But the main focus of this year is the huge senior project that the school does. We have to come up with a product as part of the grade, and I am creating and publishing my own literary magazine. I completely created it in Photoshop, and recieved student's work. I just got the first issue las week, and am selling 175 copies.

At the end of the year we present a huge, 1 hour presentation. Thus, this is what has taken up my whole time.

Darth Wyndisis

I scored over 9000 on my final exam in calculus.  For my other two classes I don't know if I did that well but I should still get A's because I was in the high nineties before I took the exams, and I know I didn't bomb them.

In the begining of January I am going to be moving down to Michigan State.  They won't let me pick my classes until I do the orientation thing, which isn't until four days before classes start.  I wonder how I will be able to get any classes.


I'm bringing this back because my school life has been a bit majorly crazy recently. I had 2 weeks of mock exams (basically just practice exams for our real GCSEs in May/June) which were really stressful but not too bad because I had lots of mornings off when there were exams that i wasn't taking.
I did qite well, I've had most of my marks back and they are all As and A*s which is good, but one of the exams I did was a real English one (on the play Journey's End) so I wont find out for a while what i got because it is externally assesed.

But more importantly the past few weeks have been all about A-level choices. It's kind of complicated but right now I have to choose the four subjects (plus one reserve and one sort of sub subject) that I will be studying over the next two years. These choices will directly effect what I will study at University so you know it like matters.
Anyway I have chosen Religious Studies, English Literature, French and Geography with Italian as my sub subject and Psychology as a reserve.

So yeah, stressy...

Pale Dim

I could never get straight A's. The last thing I want is all the attention. As long as I get above a C- I'm good.
