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Aw... dangit...

Started by ZeldaFreak, February 05, 2009, 06:17:39 PM

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Pale Dim

The game engine. It's too fast, too powerful, too graphically superior, takes up too much memory...I could go on and on. It is a shame, I'll admit,'ll have to admit, computers just aren't as powerful as you think they really are.
And here's hoping Nintendo doesn't go Bankrupt...And, this is between you and me...Nintendo is already working on a new Zelda far younger and possibly more fresh. Word on the street is, that it's supposed to have Alcohol references. Not Good.


Twilight Wolf

Gaming PCs can be as powerful as you want them; all you need is money.

If the game engine's really that system-intensive, then no game console could support it, and only the highest-end gaming PCs could even touch it.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


Quote from: 2nd Lt. Jean Havoc on February 06, 2009, 05:56:03 PM
And here's hoping Nintendo doesn't go Bankrupt...And, this is between you and me...
Nintendo isnt gonna go bankrupt its making more than sony and microsoft.  >:( ::) :P
And also:
Quote from: 2nd Lt. Jean Havoc on February 06, 2009, 05:56:03 PM
Nintendo is already working on a new Zelda far younger and possibly more fresh. Word on the street is, that it's supposed to have Alcohol references. Not Good.
Maybe with any luck there will be gore in it too... Can you imagine how hardcore that would be?!!!  ;D

Pale Dim

It's all in the way you look at it. Computers hold an incredible amount of information that regard to websites, career profiles, private data, control settings, online interviews, downloaded videos, pictures, a built in Calculator...need I say more? While the other game systems only hold game stuff and nowadays internet related stuff. You could be right, I could be wrong. But whatever. It's not like I could change my mind and storm into the headquarters of Rebellion, or Crytek for that matter, and order them to change the game plans. Too late into the progress.

Gore...that's a pretty hardcore idea, though! I like that one! I'm a man of realism, so realism in Games is everything to me...except for TWW. It was good anyway.



You realize what an alcohol reference is, right? I mean, Harvest Moon has alcohol references. It's not like he's chugging and running around with a lampshade on his head or something.

Pale Dim

Maybe not, but that would be more funny than anything else!



Quote from: 2nd Lt. Jean Havoc on February 06, 2009, 06:10:27 PM
I'm a man of realism, so realism in Games is everything to me...except for TWW. It was good anyway.
Yeah I dont see why some people dont like it; just because its a cartoon doesnt mean it sucks. ::)

Oh! I just remembered that they made a new pokemon game for ds. i think its already out in japan. 8)


Platinum? Yeah, it's the third game for the Pearl/Diamond set.

Pale Dim

I loved the Wind Waker! It was the first Zelda game I played! People tell me "Oh, you picked a bad choice of a Zelda game if that was your first!" Well, what would you have recommended, then? Why do you think I'm this much into Zelda in the first place, huh?



Quote from: Shika on February 06, 2009, 06:21:21 PM
Platinum? Yeah, it's the third game for the Pearl/Diamond set.
Yeah thats the one. I want to get it but I also want Metal Slug 7 and Guitar hero on tour decades, and I dont have job or money... :'(

Quote from: 2nd Lt. Jean Havoc on February 06, 2009, 06:24:40 PM
I loved the Wind Waker! It was the first Zelda game I played! People tell me "Oh, you picked a bad choice of a Zelda game if that was your first!" Well, what would you have recommended, then? Why do you think I'm this much into Zelda in the first place, huh?
Yeah its one of my favorites even though I never beat it.  ;)

Pale Dim

Well, that was the depressant of my day. And now my spell checker stopped working. Drat.
Anyway, so yeah. I can't wait for BFIII.



What does BFIII stand for? Its probably obvious but Im to lazy to figure it out right now... ;)

Pale Dim

*Sigh* star wars Battle Front III.



Wow. That was more obvious than I thought.  ;)
So when is it supposed to come out? I know theres probably not an exact date, but is there a general idea? :)

Pale Dim

Not a clue. Patience, young padawan. It will be released soon.
