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Zelda Music Request Live

Started by Keaton, March 20, 2009, 10:47:23 PM

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A Farewell

I played this (awfully) after hearing it like three times and trying to play it from memory (after getting it down a few times first).  I will re-up with less mistakes in a minute, and you'll have to mind the constant noise of the pedals, as I don't have access to a real piano at the moment.

Constructive C&C appreciated :3

OoT Temple Themes <-- this is minus the Bolero of Fire because I cannot play that song at all.

Hi no Seijin

Lovely.  You know, asides from the static and the sudden lurches (stops is perhaps a better word?).  But I'm sure some fine-tuning of the recording instruments and some more practice will yield better results.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


My recording equipment is, as of right now, Audacity and my headset :<

Hold on, uploading the most amazing song in the universe.

Well, one of them, at least.


one of the entire points of me making this thread was to ask for suggestions.  I know a lot of songs, and would be more than happy to play them for you, you can even choose an instrument or whatever.

All right, awesome song GO!  (note, the dissonance is intended and I honestly feel that, save for a few spots, I managed to pull it off perfectly.)
Sanctuary -- aLttP

Another awesome song go!

The Song of Healing

Twilight Wolf

You have talent with a keyboard, my friend. I think they sound great, albeit a little rough around the edges. I think if you spend a little more time perfecting the sound of each song, they'll be just right.
What, you expect me to say something witty?

The Glamour Nazi

Dark world dark world dark world!

Sorry, as you can tell, I like the dark world theme.

I'd love to hear you play it, you're really good.

I've tried to learn these but I suck at piano even with 6 years of training.

TP Zelda

I'm just listening to the first one and I'm all like "Holy ----  :o Win"
Dude, I figured out the warping songs/temple songs and the temple of time and zelda's lullaby by ear but I could never do that...  :o (Ok, I didn't really learn them by ear, I just kinda plucked them out, and I still don't have all of them down... or either i do or i just cant remmeber, or w/e... >.>)
You win  ;D ;D


Uff... Midna's theme, please
And maybe Outset Island??
~*Wizzrobe Clan*~


Working on the Dark World as I type this.

Midna's theme will follow shortly, as will Midna's Desperation (the song that plays while you are rushing back to Hyrule Castle while Midna is all pale and junk).

I can't recall how the Outset Island theme goes, but if I like it, I'll learn it.  Sure thing.

Thanks for all the comments and compliments, guys.

ALSO, quick update, I'm learning how to play a lot of these songs much better already-- including the sanctuary theme, the song of healing, farewell Hyrule king, and the Oath to Order, which I will not play until it is absolutely perfect (and as a special treat for y'all, I am trying to get permission to record at the church near my house-- on their real pipe organ <333).


The Glamour Nazi

Whoa, I can't wait to hear it.

TP Zelda



Requests apparently aren't my forte, nor is finding good recording equipment.  I have a real piano, but if I record it it's going to be with the same setup (mic on PC and Audacity) that I used before, so don't expect anything super-amazing.

I'm planning on getting the following songs uploaded, because they're the ones that forced themselves from my brain to the piano:

Laruto (or extended Serenade of Water)
Oath to Order (personal interpretation, so it's gonna suck)
The special bonus trailer to TP (plays if you let the main menu idle long enough)
Song of Storms (more like a little ditty, but still)

--as well as a re-upping of the previous songs on a real piano.

...and yes, the piano is out of tune.

I will eventually try to get all your requests, but please keep in mind that I'm really a very eccentric person and so I'll probably get to them in like a year or two.

TP Zelda

I can play song of storms too...  :P

