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Regarding Pictographs

Started by Uximadesk, April 09, 2009, 09:10:38 PM

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I have many questions regarding pictographs:

I've taken many photos of the fishman that gives you the seacharts, but for some reason they never work, is there a way to easily take his pictograph?

Damn I missed snaping a boss, can I get his photo some other way?

Can I take a valid pictograph of a frozen enemy?

How can I take the photos of both Laruto and Fado and the KORL?

Why won't Lenzo sell me a legendary pictograph on the 2nd quest?
~*Wizzrobe Clan*~


Quote from: Rorschach Mikaudes on April 09, 2009, 09:10:38 PM
I have many questions regarding pictographs:

I've taken many photos of the fishman that gives you the seacharts, but for some reason they never work, is there a way to easily take his pictograph?

The Fishman is one of the legendary pictographs that you have to acquire separately.

Quote from: Rorschach Mikaudes on April 09, 2009, 09:10:38 PMDamn I missed snaping a boss, can I get his photo some other way?

Not positive, but I'm fairly sure that you can get a pic of the bosses whilst in Ganon's tower.  However, for bosses like the Helmaroc King or Phantom Ganon, if you don't get it, you're screwed.

Quote from: Rorschach Mikaudes on April 09, 2009, 09:10:38 PMCan I take a valid pictograph of a frozen enemy?

Honestly, I'm not sure.

Quote from: Rorschach Mikaudes on April 09, 2009, 09:10:38 PMHow can I take the photos of both Laruto and Fado and the KORL?

The KoRL as in the boat, or the King Himself?  There are certain pictures, as I mentioned earlier, that are considered "legendary", and that you can't get unless receive them through special circumstances.  Can't remember what those circumstances are though...

Quote from: Rorschach Mikaudes on April 09, 2009, 09:10:38 PMWhy won't Lenzo sell me a legendary pictograph on the 2nd quest?


(lol i duno)


Quote from: Davy Jones on April 10, 2009, 12:50:43 AM
Quote from: Rorschach Mikaudes on April 09, 2009, 09:10:38 PMWhy won't Lenzo sell me a legendary pictograph on the 2nd quest?


(lol i duno)

Because you start off with the Deluxe Pictobox and can't do the Deluxe Pictobox side-quest.

Mysterious F.

It depends on which boss. The bosses for Dragon Roost Cavern, Forbidden Woods, Earth Temple, and Wind Temple can be fought again in Ganon's Tower. Additionally, the boss in Tower of the Gods attaches itself to the wall when you defeat it, so you can still take a picture of it.

Also, the fishman picture only works when the face is clearly visible, and after beating the Earth and Wind Temples, Medli and Makar reside in the boss rooms playing thier instruments. You can take a picture of them there.

They all work. I've done them before myself.

Also, the following are pictures you can only get at certain parts of the game:

1 - Phantom Ganon - Take a good picture of him either at he Forsaken Fortress or Ganon's Tower. I recommend Forsaken Fortress, while he's flying up to create a magic ball.
2 - Helmaroc King - The boss of the Forsaken Fortress. You an take a picture of it during you boss fight with it. You might be able to take a picture of him on your first trip to the fortress if you look at him from a balcony on the second quest.
3 - Tetra and her Pirates  When you're in Hyrule Castle with her (after finally beating the Forbidden Fortress), walk really far away from Tetra and she'll follow you. This will give you a long enough amount of time to set up a good picture of her. If you take a picture of her, then you get the entire prate crew as well, free of charge.
4 - Zephos and Cyclos - Before you shoot Cyclos with arrows, take a good picture of his cloud. Zephos and Cyclos will be together in a single figurine.
5 - Kogoli - He's one of the Rito. If you look at the wooden balcony from the mail headquarters (the one used to get to the thing Medli is on before you go into the Earth Temple), he's on the left. For some reason, he disappears ater the Earth Temple. Try from either the Wind' Requiem island or from your boat.
6 - Master Wizzrobe- The miniboss of the Wind Temple. You'll simply have to mind the monster he summons, or the fire.
7 - Puppet Ganon - You're only chance is when you have theboss fight with him. His figurine will be the form you take the picture of.
8 - Giant Squid - You know, the ones with all the eyes. Your have your best chance of getting a picture early in the fight, when he finished getting out of the water.


Wow, thanks, I was actually wondering whether I could take a photo of Gohdan when he was attached to the wall.
If what you say about the fishman is right, then it's going to be a pain taking his photo.
Damn, I have already left Tetra in the special chamber and beaten Cyclos...
~*Wizzrobe Clan*~

Mysterious F.

Well, I don't really know the extent of "clearly visible". Just try taking photos of the one next to the island. That way, if they don't work, you can just go right back over there and take another.


OK, I now have a new question, is there a trick to getting the right pic of the pirate ships, I never seem to get them right.

Oh, and then there's my own boat...
~*Wizzrobe Clan*~

Mysterious F.

You don't get picks of the pirate ships, but of the monsters on them.

Additionally, the King of the Red Lions is on the Link figurine you get when you've collected all the other figurines.


Yeah, you can get a picture of an enemy when they're dazed and/or frozen. I found this out because chuchu freaking suck and I didn't realise that getting one chuchu gets all their figurines. I stunned the green one and took a photo.

The pictographs that Lenzo sells you depends on the moon's phase... if I recall you can get them all even after you have a deluxe pictograph box.

-Full moon: Ganon
-Part of right side missing: Great Fairy
-Right side missing: Jabun
-Part of left side remains: Fairy Queen
-Part fo right side remains: Fado
-Left side missing: Laruto
-Part of left side missing: King of Hyrule

during the day, it's the same "phase" as the night before. the song of passing is really helpful for this.

Mysterious F.

Also, I'd like to make the comment that you don't need to get a picture of Knuckle, one of the Tingle Brothers, to complete the figurine collection. However, if you do get all of the other prior to getting him (if you actually do get his figurine), then Carlos leavesthe club, and you can't get his figurine.


Quote from: Uximadesk on April 09, 2009, 09:10:38 PM
Why won't Lenzo sell me a legendary pictograph on the 2nd quest?

I had this same issue. Once you finish re-taking pictures of the full-moon, girl in the orange dress and Lenzo and that Miss Windfall lady and show those pictures to the depressed kid, Sam (the guy with the hat that walks around) and the gossip girls respectively, Lenzo will again begin to hand out Legendary Pictographs.