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Rumors abound.

Started by Gamefreak, May 05, 2009, 11:25:08 AM

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On May 10th, Gamefreak (not me) is making a large Pokemon based announcement.

Speculation has it, that they'll be the remakes of Gold and Silver.  I'll post news here as it comes forth, or if it's even true at all.


I would totally buy that. Here's hoping that they'll include a way of (finally) capturing Celebi and/or Mew.

The Glamour Nazi

I've already known about that.

For almost a week.

I need to find a way to import CoroCoro...


I only hope that they don't decide to make remakes of Generations 3 and 4 somewhere along the line... They're too recent and it would perpetuate a pattern of reusing old crap for gain.

The Glamour Nazi

Well if they do hold true to second gen tradition, they'll make everywhere available to travel.

I would love to see that. Or at the Kanto Johto and Hoenn.

And I can't wait for Team Rocket to finally be returned.

Also, the gym leader Jasmine needs a bigger role then she got in Platinum. She's awesome.

I'll be dreading that third gym battle though.. Darn miltank.

Hi no Seijin

Oh, wow, I should totally let MasterKey know about this.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!

The Glamour Nazi

Yeah, Here is some info.

On the latest installment of the Japanese Pokemon series, Pokemon Sunday, the program ended with a very intriguing tease: Bulbanews reports that a "world-exclusive first announcement" will be made on the show next weekend, May 10 (via Kotaku).
So what will this world-exclusive announcement be? Evidently no specific information was stated about it, but the way the tease was presented seems to offer an important clue. As you can see in the accompanying screen grab, the tease was made as two (very cheap looking) gold and silver balls dangled precariously over the hosts' heads, which will open to reveal the announcement next week. Therefore, the obvious guess would be the announcement has something to do with Pokemon Gold and Silver, released for the Game Boy Color way back in 2000. And the obvious guess there is a possible remake for the DS.

Of course, that's two degrees of guesswork, so there's no telling what's actually going to be announced next week. But considering the original Red and Blue Game Boy titles were remade as FireRed and LeafGreen for the Game Boy Advance, it certainly wouldn't be out of character for Nintendo, would it?

When I find some information from CoroCoro or some other place I'll let you guys know.


The offical site for the show promises it to be 'a worldwide first announcement and a worldwide first big scoop'. One major clue the show's producers may have provided is in the colour of the Confetti-filled Party balls on the show;

[Picture of silver and gold Party balls]

Due to recent rumours and many hints contained within Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, fans speculate that Nintendo will finally be giving Johto (and by extension Kanto) a much-deserved retread on the DS.

Further adding fuel to the fire is that both Japanese Magazines Coro Coro (which has revealed new Pokemon games before) and Nintendo Dream are set to feature a 'much-talked-about big title', and both will be released after the airing of Pokemon Sunday.

Would other Pokemon fans here like to see Gold and Silver re-imagined on the DS?


... If you're looking for a GS remake, try Shiny Gold. Yeah, its a Fire-red rom hack, but its the best rom hack I've ever played. It feels so official. No grammar mistakes, or anything. It was really like an official remake. :)

The Glamour Nazi

OR I could but the official thing get multiplayer and the official maps.

I think I'll do that.


K, K, chill. ;)
It was just a helpful suggestion.

We don't even know if its going to be a G/S remake.
I'm kind of hoping more for a G/S remake on the Wii instead of the DS. That'd be killer!

Rev Rabies

No it wouldn't, it would be a waste of a disk, pokemon is great as a ds game because it's simple, making it on the wii they'd just make it 3D and ruin the style of the handheld pokemon games, the 3D style is great for colloseum but that's it.

The Glamour Nazi

Pokemon will always be a handheld dominant game hence the name Pocket monsters.

The creator said he made pokemon because he wanted modern day city kids to enjoy bug catching as he did when he was a child in rural Japan.

I hope it stays portable.

Also ZV i wasn't trying to be mean, I just don't like Hacks/roms.


Eh... I hope it stays portable, too, but if it were rendered in a 3D environment like in Ocarina of Time or something, then it would pwn even more. Free roaming! Exploration like no one's ever seen a Pokemon game! Not to say there's no exploration at all, but it would give it a great twist.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

The Glamour Nazi

I had so wished for that for a G/S/C Remake...




Coming out Fall of 09. For japan.

Nothing Else is known at this moment but...

It's good enough right?


They totally ran out of elements and minerals, didn't they? :P

Guess we saw it coming, though. Sweet!

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.