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Started by Fishalicious, May 17, 2009, 08:43:58 AM

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I'll be AFK for about a week or two, don't worry about me, I didn't die or anything.


good luck with that.
Im going to be moving in a month or so


Moves are so much fun =D
Let me know how things go!


Catch ya on the sunny side.


See ya soon!

...Man, everyone's moving this time of year... I'm doing my share of it, too.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Mysterious F.

Where are each of you moving to?


About a mile over, for me.

Moving was awful and I don't ever want to do it again. I did find a dead cat where our house used to be, though, he was mummified and everything. It was pretty cool;.


pics or it didn't happen.


Yes, I took pictures  8D He's only partially mummified, though, part of his legs were just bone. His fur and growl stayed, though.


cool ^_^
I would love to see them.  you would make my life!!


Well I found a frozen dead cow in the woods!
Yes I said the woods.


Are you serious? haha

btw. I am moving next weekend, so I probably wont be online after wednesday or so of next week. 

Hi no Seijin

Quote from: HackerHero92 on June 09, 2009, 02:18:22 AM
Well I found a frozen dead cow in the woods!
Yes I said the woods.
I found a dead deer by the side of the street.

I wonder if it's still there.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


Remember where this thread is located, guys.

Come to think of it, though, it seems as if the thread's served its purpose...

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


yeah, you can lock it if you want~ we could make a dead animals thread or something if we needed to continue this conversation 8D