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New Zelda Info!

Started by Red_Fury, April 21, 2005, 11:18:52 AM

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Eiji Aonuma: Princess Zelda, as you've seen in the trailer, is garbed in these dark robes. These are the robes which would be worn be someone who has been visited by death. She exists in this Twilight World, that once was Hyrule, that has been overcome by the darkness. She wasn't capable of saving it from the darkness, so she exists there alone.

Link when he enters the Twilight World, that where he transforms into the wolf. Transforming into the wolf, he then encounters Zelda in the Twilight World and the story unfolds from there.

Full interview can be found at:

As well as gameplay movies and other interviews.

I didn't realise that everyone was having problems with the links. Am I the only one who they work for!

I'm going to miss this once the game comes out, I can already see the tide of information is beginning to ebb away. When the game comes out all the questions will be answered and no doubt some new ones created and there won't be any need for this topic any more. Since I live in a different continent you guys will be getting the game before me. So you can tell me what's in the game instead, but don't tell me anything that will spoil the plot. ;)

Jack, thanks for mentions you give on the site. I felt joy every time I saw that my name was mentioned. It felt like my reward for searching the web for the new information. (It took me around four hours to find, download, watch and then write up what I had seen for that last update. :))

Also thanks to everyone that responded to the info in my posts, it made me feel like I was doing something that was pleasing alot of people. If I find any more info, although I think the well is pretty much dry, you will be the second to know about it (after myself).


Yeah, I moved the thread a few hours after I made that update.



(Gamespy's Page 2 of The Legend of Zelda Roundtable)
Q: In terms of the overall storyline, where does the Twilight Princess fit in?
A: Chronologically speaking, it takes place a few decades after The Wind Waker.

Augh! Now what? ^__^ I've heard that there have been mistranslations here and there (of all things)... I personally have a very limited understanding of the TWW storyline, so I'm not sure what impact TTP might have on the timeline...

Anyway, I was able to download and watch the 5-6 movies that Red uploaded yesterday (which seems like 10 years ago with all this commotion o_o); they're excellent! Now, if only they would slow down and let us read the words and enjoy the music ^^... As usual, thanks a "1.0X10^6" to Red for his hard work and time! It's difficult to express how awesome it is to have all the latest on Twilight Princess right here at our home Zelda site :D! So thanks again, also to Jack for his coverage at the index page.

Master Goron

Now this makes no sense at all! Gamespot says it's after OoT(and before TWW) and Gamespy says it's after TWW.

Seriously, how hard is it to write down what they say!!! *Is extremely angry at video game news websites*

I'm done now, I just wish they'd get it right...


I'm assuming (slash-hoping) that it's Ocarina of Time. But, we shall see.

Either way, it's a brand new Link, whatever that means for the series. How many links do we need???


I new Link each time. The only Links I'd like to see reused are those in LoZ/AoL, ALttP/LA and the Oracles.

And I think the real mistranslation is the word 'decades'. I believe it's supposed to be either 'centuries' or 'generations'.


I'm sorry, but I can't see any of these websites because I am looking at them from school and they are considered gaming sites only desertcolossus was overide because, obviously there is no selling game on this website. But if you guys can try to get the info on your messages.
:-X :-[ ;D ;D ;D ;D



Twilight Princess- the interview.

Storyline-wise, where does Twilight Princess fit in with the chronology of the other games?
Aonuma: A few decades after Ocarina of Time, but before the Wind Waker.

At the beginning of the trailer we see black and white visuals of a castle; is that Hyrule Castle? And if so, what's going on there?
Aonuma: Yep, at the beginning of the trailer you saw Link sucked into this black miasma we call the Twilight... and yes, that is Hyrule Castle, transformed by the Twilight.

So if Link goes into Twilight Hyrule, he becomes a wolf?
Aonuma: Twilight is fuelled by magic power and Link can't exist in his human form in that area. We can't go into details, but it is part of his destiny to become that wolf.

With the concept of their being two worlds, does that mean the game is going to have a similar game mechanic to A Link to the Past or Metroid Prime 2 Echoes?
Aonuma: The whole idea of using dual worlds has appeared in Zelda games before, and with Metroid Prime there's a feeling that maybe they took some of our elements...

Miyamoto: Yes, they copied us! [laughter]

Aonuma: You probably shouldn't say they copied us.

Miyamoto: That's okay, I'm the Metroid producer.

Anouma: So yes, anyway, the Twilight and standard Hyrule form two different areas, that's part of the gameplay.

So what's with the robe? Does she have some connection to what's going on, and to Link's transformation into a wolf?
Aonuma: The robe is based on a Japanese funeral robe. Zelda can't stop Twilight from taking over Hyrule, and her inability to halt Twilight at this point has a definite connection with Link's transformation, but we can't tell you more yet.

How does the transformation change Link gameplay-wise? What type of abilities will it give the player?
Aonuma: Well, he no longer has a sword, but he couldn't hold it anyway. He can talk to animals, he has heightened senses, can see special things, his hearing improves. So you use these senses to solve otherwise unsolvable puzzles. His attacks, like you saw in the trailer, will be influenced by the character on his back.

Who or what is this character?
Aonuma: She is Midna, a resident of the Twilight realm. She has her own motivations and thinks that wolf-Link can help her, so they begin a co-operative relationship

Can you tell us about how the item menu screen has changed?
Aonuma: In previous Zelda games players always knew how many items were left to be found. We really didn't want to give players that information this time, and with this circular menu approach, we can increase the amount as much as we want without the player knowing how many items there are. It's accessible and easy to use too.

We're running out of time - do you have any last comments you want to make about the game?Miyamoto: We want the user to feel like they inhabit the Zelda world, to create a gaming experience where they ARE Link, they are the hero, that's the goal.


QuoteStoryline-wise, where does Twilight Princess fit in with the chronology of the other games?

Aonuma: A few decades after Ocarina of Time, but before the Wind Waker.

Many people consider this as evidence, but then they forget that only a few months before the release of TWW Miyamoto stated that TWW would take place BEFORE OoT.

QuoteNP: Where does the latest Zelda game fall into the series' mythology? Early in the series or after Majora's Mask?

Miyamoto: This is the very first Zelda story. If all we ever did was try to continue the story, we'd lose some of the interest. It's fun to jump back and forth.


The Spanish magazine is translated right? And also The Twighlight Princess does have Ganon in it right because one of my friends who has like every game of LOZ will be upset if the new game does not have Ganon in it. ;)


Quote from: Hockey11 on May 24, 2005, 12:19:40 PM
The Spanish magazine is translated right? And also The Twighlight Princess does have Ganon in it right because one of my friends who has like every game of LOZ will be upset if the new game does not have Ganon in it. ;)


Have you watched any of the in-game videos. The Ganon theme plays when that Moblin lord kidnaps Ilia and Colin. Now, that sounds suspicious... :P


Scans from the latest Nintendo Power mag:
New Zelda artwork:

Copy and paste the links or use the links in Wiens post.


QuoteThe Ganon theme plays...
I didn't notice that, but good thinking! Always listen to the music, fellow Links ^_^. Especially in the OOT Lost Woods...

QuoteScans from the latest Nintendo Power mag:

*"wow" look on face* Sugoi... thanks again Red. I'll have to peruse these in more detail later. Oh, and I might add that you need to copy/paste them into the address bar for them to work... And for me, the second one doesn't even work unless you type in the second line of the text. For your ease, here are the links slightly reformatted (hope you don't mind, Red!):

Scans from the latest Nintendo Power mag:

New Zelda artwork:

They should work like that...


Thanks for providing links that work, Wein. Just wondering how did you manage to get the links to fit?
I resorted to breaking them up because they stretched the page.