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Today I learned...

Started by Deku, November 30, 2010, 04:05:35 PM

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This isn't so much a "game" as it is a place for members to share the little things they learned in the course of the day. It's best to reply to this thread late in the day, so if you learn anything new, you won't have to post twice in one day! I'll start:

Today, I learned:

1. Camels originated in America!

2. The first cigarettes were rolled by Egyptian Soldiers in the 1800's.

3. If your throat itches, instead of gagging, scratch your ear!
"When the nerves in the ear are stimulated, it creates a reflex in the throat that can cause a muscle spasm. The muscle spasm relieves the tickle!" (Scott Schafer, MD)

4. There's a way to make an elevator go directly to your floor without stopping! For instance, if you have to get to floor 11, and the elevator stops at floor 5, and someone gets on and presses 6, you have to wait. But if you get on the elevator, and press the number of your choice while holding down the "Close Doors" button, and wait until the doors close, you'll go straight to your floor! This is used by police when they have to get somewhere immediately.

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BIG BOOK OF THINGS LEARNED (not personal experiences)
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1. Camels originated in America!

2. The first cigarettes were rolled by Egyptian Soldiers in the 1800's.

3. If your throat itches, instead of gagging, scratch your ear!
"When the nerves in the ear are stimulated, it creates a reflex in the throat that can cause a muscle spasm. The muscle spasm relieves the tickle!" (Scott Schafer, MD)

4. There's a way to make an elevator go directly to your floor without stopping! For instance, if you have to get to floor 11, and the elevator stops at floor 5, and someone gets on and presses 6, you have to wait. But if you get on the elevator, and press the number of your choice while holding down the "Close Doors" button, and wait until the doors close, you'll go straight to your floor! This is used by police when they have to get somewhere immediately.

5. King Richard the Lionheart imported the Crossbow from the eastern civilizations this made using a bow much easier for everyone and anyone. Years after introducing it to the west, while returning from Jerusalem and passing through France he was killed in battle by a Cook.

6. There are rules for mystery novels, such as when a detective discovers a clue the reader must too know of it, and the murder has to be committed by someone in the closed circle of suspects. There are more, but I found these very interesting.

7. The term "red herring" came from where criminals would drag herrings over their paths to distract bloodhounds from tracking them, I though it came from the fact that there are no red herrings, I was wrong.

8. India has more straight A students than America has KIDS.

9. ^Jordan has an even higher percentage.

10. Jordan is the smartest country in the world

11. People in a crowd are less likely to help you than people alone. For instance, there was a woman who was attacked in the parking lot of her apartment. She was screaming for help, and several people opened their windows to see, lights came on, and plenty of people watched. She screamed and pleaded for someone to call the police, but nobody did. That woman was killed in the parking lot. Because so many people were watching, everyone had the mentality of "someone else will do it, why should I ?". However, if one of those people were walking through the park and witnessed this struggle, and nobody else was around- they'd feel the responsibility pressure. They would be more compelled to take action, because if they didn't, then it would be their fault that it happened, and they'd be left with guilt and regret

12. The plastic tips at the end of your shoe laces are called "aglets"

13. You can actually lose weight by eating ice cream and drinking beer. When you eat ice cream, you consume a certain amount of calories, like anything else you eat. HOWEVER- The body burns more calories trying to heat the ice cream up to body temperature once it's in your system! Same goes for cold beer- the colder it is, the more calories you'll burn! I'm gonna start right away!

14. Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes

15. A man also lost 38 pounds from eating Twinkies and Potato chips, just to prove it's not how healthy you eat, but the amount you eat.

16. Rei is more popular than Asuka (Evangelion).

17.  Jean Havoc is more popular than Breda (FMA).

18. I learned that putting on silly bands that are too tight can give you cramps in your wrist.

19. I learned that in the Japanese version of Tales of Symphonia, Lloyd's VA is FREAKING KAMINA.

20. I Learned that Stephen Hawking has a great sense of humor, and was working on the waro drive, as he hilariously pointed out during a trip to the set of Star Trek the next Generation a while back.

21. I learned that Game Maker uses its own language.

22. I learned not to use purple before blue when making a blue-ish purple tint with coloured pencils.

23. I learned that if you freeze the buzz blobs in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past with the Ice Rod first, you can safely attack them with your sword.

24. I learned the man the voices Kamina voices Heracross, Mew, Mewtwo, and Meganium in the Pokemon TV show.

25. I learned that Jewish people get 8 days of presents

26. I learned that Chrono Trigger had a one episode OVA series.

27. Be the one to post it :)

The Glamour Nazi

A random factiod that I knew, but felt it would make you all smarter.

King Richard the Lionheart imported the Crossbow from the eastern civilizations this made using a bow much easier for everyone and anyone. Years after introducing it to the west, while returning from Jerusalem and passing through France he was killed in battle by a Cook.

The irony? The cook was using a Crossbow, he was killed by the very weapon he introduced to the area.


Quote from: Shoe-sama on November 30, 2010, 06:20:00 PM
A random factiod that I knew, but felt it would make you all smarter.

King Richard the Lionheart imported the Crossbow from the eastern civilizations this made using a bow much easier for everyone and anyone. Years after introducing it to the west, while returning from Jerusalem and passing through France he was killed in battle by a Cook.

The irony? The cook was using a Crossbow, he was killed by the very weapon he introduced to the area.
Whoa! That's cool, I never knew that!

Pale Dim

Quote from: Shoe-sama on November 30, 2010, 06:20:00 PM
A random factiod that I knew, but felt it would make you all smarter.

King Richard the Lionheart imported the Crossbow from the eastern civilizations this made using a bow much easier for everyone and anyone. Years after introducing it to the west, while returning from Jerusalem and passing through France he was killed in battle by a Cook.

The irony? The cook was using a Crossbow, he was killed by the very weapon he introduced to the area.

WHOA So that's how he died.


The Glamour Nazi

Lets see, today I learned...

That there are rules for mystery novels, such as when a detective discovers a clue the reader must too know of it, and the murder has to be committed by someone in the closed circle of suspects. There are more, but I found these very interesting.

The term "red herring" came from where criminals would drag herrings over their paths to distract bloodhounds from tracking them, I though it came from the fact that there are no red herrings, I was wrong.

And that the girl I am currently infatuated with has awesome panties and long socks. HOH YEAH.


Today I learned:
India has more straight A students than America has KIDS. :o

The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: ZeldaVeteran on December 01, 2010, 10:39:16 PM
Today I learned:
India has more straight A students than America has KIDS. :o

Jordan has an even higher percentage.

Jordan is the smartest country in the world. [on average]

(old info for me, thought you may want to know.)


Today I learned:

1. That people in a crowd are less likely to help you than people alone. For instance, there was a woman who was attacked in the parking lot of her apartment. She was screaming for help, and several people opened their windows to see, lights came on, and plenty of people watched. She screamed and pleaded for someone to call the police, but nobody did. That woman was killed in the parking lot. Because so many people were watching, everyone had the mentality of "someone else will do it, why should I ?". However, if one of those people were walking through the park and witnessed this struggle, and nobody else was around- they'd feel the responsibility pressure. They would be more compelled to take action, because if they didn't, then it would be their fault that it happened, and they'd be left with guilt and regret

2. The plastic tips at the end of your shoe laces are called "aglets"

3. You can actually lose weight by eating ice cream and drinking beer. When you eat ice cream, you consume a certain amount of calories, like anything else you eat. HOWEVER- The body burns more calories trying to heat the ice cream up to body temperature once it's in your system! Same goes for cold beer- the colder it is, the more calories you'll burn! I'm gonna start right away :D
(not the beer though, because beer tastes gross, and it has worse effects over time than fat)

4. Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes (stumble)

The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: ZeldaVeteran on December 02, 2010, 11:04:01 PM

2. The plastic tips at the end of your shoe laces are called "aglets"

3. You can actually lose weight by eating ice cream and drinking beer. When you eat ice cream, you consume a certain amount of calories, like anything else you eat. HOWEVER- The body burns more calories trying to heat the ice cream up to body temperature once it's in your system! Same goes for cold beer- the colder it is, the more calories you'll burn! I'm gonna start right away :D
(not the beer though, because beer tastes gross, and it has worse effects over time than fat)

Point 1: I now feel like the smartest man in the world.

Point 2: A man also lost 38 pounds from eating Twinkies and Potato chips, just to prove it's not how healthy you eat, but the amount you eat.

Hi no Seijin

Today I learned that there's a rabbit hole or something of the sort at this one point alongside Providence Road.  I wouldn't have learned that if my left leg hadn't gone down it.  Thankfully, I was only surprised, not hurt.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!

Pale Dim

Today I learned how useful Nidoking and Lapras are.


The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: King Bradley on December 05, 2010, 03:33:03 PM


Today I learned that I may not have a chance.

But yeah, Today I learned how Garage Kits work.

And that for some reason Rei is more popular than Asuka.

Pale Dim

I also learned that apparently, Jean Havoc is more popular than Breda. But Mustang owns all. However, Bradley comes in and finishes him off....or so it seems, until his idiot son arrives.



Today I learned that Borderlands isn't as fun as everyone makes it out to be. My friend let me borrow it, and I have almost no desire to keep playing it. It's like Fallout, with Modern Warfare 2's controls, and a crap story with a crap targeting system. It doesn't follow you on your levels either. By that I mean: "Sweet! I just beat Brock! On to Mt. Moon!" And at the end of the tunnel is a Hiker with a Level 60 Golem, a Level 45 Onix, and a Level 100 Obelisk the Tormenter. It's complete bull crap running into stupid-hard enemies when you're just starting off the game. In short, it's a crappier Fallout New Vegas. If I had played this before CoD MW2, or either Fallouts, it would have been ok.

The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: ZeldaVeteran on December 05, 2010, 07:16:36 PM
Today I learned that Borderlands isn't as fun as everyone makes it out to be. My friend let me borrow it, and I have almost no desire to keep playing it. It's like Fallout, with Modern Warfare 2's controls, and a crap story with a crap targeting system. It doesn't follow you on your levels either. By that I mean: "Sweet! I just beat Brock! On to Mt. Moon!" And at the end of the tunnel is a Hiker with a Level 60 Golem, a Level 45 Onix, and a Level 100 Obelisk the Tormenter. It's complete bull crap running into stupid-hard enemies when you're just starting off the game. In short, it's a crappier Fallout New Vegas. If I had played this before CoD MW2, or either Fallouts, it would have been ok.

I thought so too, the vehicles were a little fun.

But only cause it's the first time I'vedriven in forever.