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Guess the Pokemon

Started by Deku, March 29, 2011, 10:50:55 AM

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Pea-Tear Griffin

Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat


Darth Wyndisis

Is its Pokedex number between #494 and #572?


Quote from: Han Solo on April 01, 2011, 04:59:57 AM
Is its Pokedex number between #494 and #572?
nice one. lol

Pea-Tear Griffin

Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat

Darth Wyndisis

Is it any one of the following types?  Ghost, dragon, fighting, grass, water, or electric?

Pea-Tear Griffin

Yes it is one of those types :D
Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat

Darth Wyndisis

Hmm... is it also a flying, normal, or fire type?

Remaining Pokemon:

#098   #592      Frillish   Water   Ghost
#099   #593      Jellicent   Water   Ghost
#128   #622      Golett   Ground   Ghost
#129   #623      Golurk   Ground   Ghost
#139   #633      Deino   Dark   Dragon
#140   #634      Zweilous   Dark  Dragon
#141   #635      Hydreigon   Dark   Dragon
#146   #640      Virizion   Grass   Fighting
#153   #647      Keldeo   Water   Fighting
#154   #648      Meloetta   Normal   Fighting
#145   #639      Terrakion   Rock   Fighting
#144   #638      Cobalion   Steel   Fighting
#091   #585      Deerling   Normal   Grass
#092   #586      Sawsbuck   Normal   Grass
#150   #644      Zekrom    Dragon   Electric
#101   #595      Joltik   Bug   Electric
#102   #596      Galvantula   Bug   Electric
#124   #618      Stunfisk   Ground   Electric
#113   #607      Litwick   Ghost   Fire
#114   #608      Lampent   Ghost   Fire
#115   #609      Chandelure   Ghost   Fire
#149   #643      Reshiram   Dragon   Fire
#086   #580      Ducklett   Water   Flying
#087   #581      Swanna   Water   Flying
#093   #587      Emolga   Electric   Flying
#148   #642      Thundurus   Electric   Flying
#135   #629      Vullaby   Dark   Flying
#136   #630      Mandibuzz   Dark   Flying
#151   #645      Landorus   Ground   Flying
#152   #646      Kyurem   Dragon   Ice
#096   #590      Foongus   Grass   Poison
#097   #591      Amoonguss   Grass   Poison
#103   #597      Ferroseed   Grass   Steel
#104   #598      Ferrothorn   Grass   Steel
#130   #624      Pawniard   Dark   Steel
#131   #625      Bisharp   Dark   Steel
#116   #610      Axew   Dragon   
#117   #611      Fraxure   Dragon   
#118   #612      Haxorus   Dragon   
#127   #621      Druddigon   Dragon   
#125   #619      Mienfoo   Fighting   
#126   #620      Mienshao   Fighting   
#100   #594      Alomomola   Water   
#108   #602      Tynamo   Electric   
#109   #603      Eelektrik   Electric   
#110   #604      Eelektross   Electric   


Quote from: Han Solo on April 02, 2011, 11:57:18 AM
Hmm... is it also a flying, normal, or fire type?

Remaining Pokemon:

#098   #592      Frillish   Water   Ghost
#099   #593      Jellicent   Water   Ghost
#128   #622      Golett   Ground   Ghost
#129   #623      Golurk   Ground   Ghost
#139   #633      Deino   Dark   Dragon
#140   #634      Zweilous   Dark  Dragon
#141   #635      Hydreigon   Dark   Dragon
#146   #640      Virizion   Grass   Fighting
#153   #647      Keldeo   Water   Fighting
#154   #648      Meloetta   Normal   Fighting
#145   #639      Terrakion   Rock   Fighting
#144   #638      Cobalion   Steel   Fighting
#091   #585      Deerling   Normal   Grass
#092   #586      Sawsbuck   Normal   Grass
#150   #644      Zekrom    Dragon   Electric
#101   #595      Joltik   Bug   Electric
#102   #596      Galvantula   Bug   Electric
#124   #618      Stunfisk   Ground   Electric
#113   #607      Litwick   Ghost   Fire
#114   #608      Lampent   Ghost   Fire
#115   #609      Chandelure   Ghost   Fire
#149   #643      Reshiram   Dragon   Fire
#086   #580      Ducklett   Water   Flying
#087   #581      Swanna   Water   Flying
#093   #587      Emolga   Electric   Flying
#148   #642      Thundurus   Electric   Flying
#135   #629      Vullaby   Dark   Flying
#136   #630      Mandibuzz   Dark   Flying
#151   #645      Landorus   Ground   Flying
#152   #646      Kyurem   Dragon   Ice
#096   #590      Foongus   Grass   Poison
#097   #591      Amoonguss   Grass   Poison
#103   #597      Ferroseed   Grass   Steel
#104   #598      Ferrothorn   Grass   Steel
#130   #624      Pawniard   Dark   Steel
#131   #625      Bisharp   Dark   Steel
#116   #610      Axew   Dragon   
#117   #611      Fraxure   Dragon   
#118   #612      Haxorus   Dragon   
#127   #621      Druddigon   Dragon   
#125   #619      Mienfoo   Fighting   
#126   #620      Mienshao   Fighting   
#100   #594      Alomomola   Water   
#108   #602      Tynamo   Electric   
#109   #603      Eelektrik   Electric   
#110   #604      Eelektross   Electric   

Seriously? Holy cow. Is it... Is it a pokemon? :P

Pea-Tear Griffin

Quote from: Darth Soloyndisis on April 02, 2011, 11:57:18 AM
Hmm... is it also a flying, normal, or fire type?

Remaining Pokemon:

#098   #592      Frillish   Water   Ghost
#099   #593      Jellicent   Water   Ghost
#128   #622      Golett   Ground   Ghost
#129   #623      Golurk   Ground   Ghost
#139   #633      Deino   Dark   Dragon
#140   #634      Zweilous   Dark  Dragon
#141   #635      Hydreigon   Dark   Dragon
#146   #640      Virizion   Grass   Fighting
#153   #647      Keldeo   Water   Fighting
#154   #648      Meloetta   Normal   Fighting
#145   #639      Terrakion   Rock   Fighting
#144   #638      Cobalion   Steel   Fighting
#091   #585      Deerling   Normal   Grass
#092   #586      Sawsbuck   Normal   Grass
#150   #644      Zekrom    Dragon   Electric
#101   #595      Joltik   Bug   Electric
#102   #596      Galvantula   Bug   Electric
#124   #618      Stunfisk   Ground   Electric
#113   #607      Litwick   Ghost   Fire
#114   #608      Lampent   Ghost   Fire
#115   #609      Chandelure   Ghost   Fire
#149   #643      Reshiram   Dragon   Fire
#086   #580      Ducklett   Water   Flying
#087   #581      Swanna   Water   Flying
#093   #587      Emolga   Electric   Flying
#148   #642      Thundurus   Electric   Flying
#135   #629      Vullaby   Dark   Flying
#136   #630      Mandibuzz   Dark   Flying
#151   #645      Landorus   Ground   Flying
#152   #646      Kyurem   Dragon   Ice
#096   #590      Foongus   Grass   Poison
#097   #591      Amoonguss   Grass   Poison
#103   #597      Ferroseed   Grass   Steel
#104   #598      Ferrothorn   Grass   Steel
#130   #624      Pawniard   Dark   Steel
#131   #625      Bisharp   Dark   Steel
#116   #610      Axew   Dragon   
#117   #611      Fraxure   Dragon   
#118   #612      Haxorus   Dragon   
#127   #621      Druddigon   Dragon   
#125   #619      Mienfoo   Fighting   
#126   #620      Mienshao   Fighting   
#100   #594      Alomomola   Water   
#108   #602      Tynamo   Electric   
#109   #603      Eelektrik   Electric   
#110   #604      Eelektross   Electric   

Wait what happened to the fourth gen? I said it wasn't fifth gen.... and no for your types
Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat

Darth Wyndisis

Oh, kriffing hell... why did I think it was generation 5...? 

Is it a dual type?

Wormadam   Bug   Grass
Gible       Dragon       Ground
Gabite   Dragon   Ground
Garchomp   Dragon   Ground
Rotom   Electric   Ghost
Rotom   Electric   Grass
Rotom   Electric   Ice
Magnezone   Electric   Steel
Rotom   Electric   Water
Shinx   Electric   
Luxio   Electric   
Luxray   Electric   
Pachirisu   Electric   
Electivire   Electric   
Lucario   Fighting   Steel
Riolu   Fighting   
Spiritomb   Ghost   Dark
Giratina   Ghost   Dragon
Giratina   Ghost   Dragon
Mismagius   Ghost   
Dusknoir   Ghost   
Torterra   Grass   Ground
Snover   Grass   Ice
Abomasnow   Grass   Ice
Budew   Grass   Poison
Roserade   Grass   Poison
Turtwig   Grass   
Grotle   Grass   
Cherubi   Grass   
Cherrim   Grass   
Carnivine   Grass   
Tangrowth   Grass   
Leafeon   Grass   
Shaymin   Grass   
Croagunk   Poison   Fighting
Toxicroak   Poison   Fighting
Gallade   Psychic   Fighting
Dialga   Steel   Dragon
Palkia   Water   Dragon
Gastrodon   Water   Ground
Gastrodon   Water   Ground
Empoleon   Water   Steel
Piplup   Water   
Prinplup   Water   
Buizel   Water   
Floatzel   Water   
Shellos   Water   
Shellos   Water   
Finneon   Water   
Lumineon   Water   
Phione   Water   
Manaphy   Water   


Pea-Tear Griffin

No it's not ta both questions :D
Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat

Darth Wyndisis

Does it evolve more than one time?

Shinx   Electric   
Luxio   Electric   
Luxray   Electric   
Pachirisu   Electric   
Electivire   Electric   
Riolu   Fighting   
Mismagius   Ghost   
Dusknoir   Ghost   
Turtwig   Grass   
Grotle   Grass   
Cherubi   Grass   
Cherrim   Grass   
Carnivine   Grass   
Tangrowth   Grass   
Leafeon   Grass   
Shaymin   Grass   
Piplup   Water   
Prinplup   Water   
Buizel   Water   
Floatzel   Water   
Shellos   Water   
Shellos   Water   
Finneon   Water   
Lumineon   Water   
Phione   Water   
Manaphy   Water 


Is it a Grass or Water type?