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The End News

Started by Deku, May 19, 2011, 01:38:06 PM

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You know something guys? I didn't really believe this so much as time went on- you know, the whole 2012 story. It just never really had hardcore facts to point to as a reference. So I, much like every other person who can think for themselves, dismissed it as popular myth. Because how cool would it really be if an ancient civilization made an astronomical prediction that was actually really accurate? It would make for a pretty cool story you know? So naturally, books, movies, media, and all kinds of things came in an "end of times" swarm.

There have been plenty of times in the past where people have made predictions like this, and every single time, nothing happened. Heck, a lot of people think the rapture is going to happen two days from now. Do I believe this? No. Real Christians would know that the Holy Bible states that no man will know when the rapture is coming- not even God's own son knows the exact date. So how could anyone know when the rapture was happening? Nobody does. End of story. The world seems fine right now, and to think that anything would happen Saturday is asinine.

Recently however, news has been pouring out from everywhere about a different date. Not a specific one either, but there's actual facts this time. I'm actually genuinely frightened right now. Before I talk any further though, he're a link to the article. I recommend clicking the second link I provided instead of following the link to, because the video doesn't seem to work there.


I was just like everyone. "Oh my God, you guys are stupid. Everything is fine, the world isn't ending, so get over it." But here's the deal: This is actually happening. It isn't a myth anymore. These are cold-hard facts. The world isn't ending. The Earth will be left intact. But horrible horrible storms and weather could wipe out 2/3 of the planet. It's more believable too, because the thought of our planet being simply destroyed didn't really sound legit. Apparently we're going to be rocked by earthquakes, swept away by Tsunami's, and then another 2/3 that survived will be wiped out by starvation and exposure to the elements.

I am actually pretty alarmed at the news. My mom heard some stuff about it on the news, and called me, and I looked it up. I just got a call from my dad while I was typing this actually. They're telling me not to tell my sister because it'll just scare her. It seems we've got until 2013 though. The Mayans were off by a year, but that's still pretty darn accurate. Our ancestors probably went through the same types of cataclysms. Noah's ark might be a prime example. Are any of you not worried at all? I mean, this is the real deal now. It's not like you can deny facts. :-\

None of this is my information. I didn't do the research to find out this was happening, and I didn't spot Nibiru heading in our direction. I'm simply warning TDC because I love and care about you guys, and if there's a possibility of anyone dying, I would want everyone here to make it through okay. ;)


I'd attribute this entire scare to ratings and money.  The news and all other organizations devoted to "sharing the truth" are really corporations and everybody's feeling the hurt in these tough economic times.  I'm not saying it's impossible.  But take it with a grain of salt.

The Glamour Nazi

I saw a picture of what really happened to the ancient calendar.

The Mayan dudes were all "Lol, we ran out of space, lets just stop, maybe it'll lead to some lulz down the road."

Pale Dim

No, man. No. I do not approve.


The Glamour Nazi

I seriously don't believe a word of this.

Which is more likely, an extinct civilization giving up on a calendar, or the world ending?

Edit: Sorry, not ending, having the population reduced drastically.


Quote from: Inigo Montoya on May 19, 2011, 04:05:59 PM
I seriously don't believe a word of this.

What do you mean? That's like me saying

"I believe matter can be created and destroyed, everyone else is crazy."

The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: Portal Veteran on May 19, 2011, 04:16:57 PM
Quote from: Inigo Montoya on May 19, 2011, 04:05:59 PM
I seriously don't believe a word of this.

What do you mean? That's like me saying

"I believe matter can be created and destroyed, everyone else is crazy."

I mean, that none of this is going to happen, it seriously hasn't been long enough for anything to happen.

All that's happening to the Earth right now is a change in the magnetic poles.

It happens every couple thousand years on a huge scale, not saying north will be south, but they're shifting slightly.

People will not be elimated or reduced drastically like that.

Darth Wyndisis


If this is about the Nibiru thing, old hoax is old. This has been around for ages, and honestly, I don't think there's that much to worry about.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Nobody will ever believe anything.

If it sounds like it might scare people, everyone just denies it. They shut it out.

Fine though. It's fine. I don't know why I expected anyone to take this seriously.

Noah why are you building an ark? Nothing's gonna happen, you're such an idiot!!

Better to be safe than sorry. When something big actually happens, nobody is going to be ready because everyone is a skeptic because nobody wants to be different from everyone else, and everyone is afraid to look like an idiot.

There is no possible threat to earth in the universe.
There is no boogey-man.
And there is no Queen of England.

Somebody just lock this thread. :(

Darth Wyndisis

I'm not denying it because I'm frightened, I'm denying this particular claim because I could find no evidence of it from any credible sources.  Yeah, they cite NASA, but I couldn't find any real NASA sources that say it's true.  Then this morning when I looked at that website again, I noticed the same comments that I saw yesterday had today's date on them.  I then thought "AHA!  They have fake comments to make it look like the website contains convincing information."  However, I realized that the website could be going by a different time zone, one a few hours ahead of mine, so I changed the date on my computer to May 27th.  Do you know what date popped up under the comments when I refreshed the page?  May 27th.


I'm not really worried. I mean, if the world is ending, there's not much we can do about it anyways.. *shrugs*

although it would be amusing if those mayans turned out to be right. haha.

by the wayyy I heard on the radio last night about the world ending this Saturday. I'm not convinced, but when I woke up this morning it was like a torrential downpour of rain and it's still going. freaked me out a little... tee hee :3

The Glamour Nazi

Yeah, the thing about ending tomorrow is done by some crazy kook from Indiana or something.

I'm in no way scared of the end of the world, it's just stupid to think it will. If it's gonna be the religious "armageddon" it's impossible to know when that'll be, if you believe in it.

To cite the bible "The end will come like a thief in the night" which means no one will know when it ends.

So it'd just be a natural disaster thing.

Also, Noah's Arc... I wouldn't cite that as a source, but I'm pretty sure you're using it as a literary expression.


Quote from: Portal Veteran on May 20, 2011, 12:09:39 AM
Better to be safe than sorry. When something big actually happens, nobody is going to be ready because everyone is a skeptic because nobody wants to be different from everyone else, and everyone is afraid to look like an idiot.

Get ready? This isn't Gurren unfortunate as that is. If it's the end of the world, there's nothing we're going to do to stop it, so getting ready would just be a waste of time.

I prefer to just not worry about it. Even if it were true, I'd rather it not put a damper on the time that I have left.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

The Glamour Nazi

Well, all 3 thirds of the population is still here, so much for the rapture.

Sorry ZV.