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Who has some free time?

Started by DW, June 02, 2011, 09:21:43 PM

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I'm not sure who all I've told yet, but over the summer pizzadudemanguy and I are voicing over the first three Phoenix Wright games. As professionally as possible. So we have tons of people involved to voice the 50+ characters, and we're actually taking the time to edit scripts and clips to make it seem more like a real series than a Let's Play.

Here's the problem.

I have scoured the internet for transcripts, and there are four cases of which no transcript exists.

If there is ANYONE here with the Phoenix Wright games and free time, we would be eternally grateful if you could transcript at least one case for us. These are the cases missing:

Justice for All Case 3: Big Top Turnabout
Trials and Tribulations cases 2-4: The Stolen Turnabout, Recipe for Turnabout, and Turnabout Beginnings

I would do one myself, but I'm currently editing the scripts we have left. Of course, the only one I have left is the final case, so once I'm done with that (probably will take me three or four more horus) I may transcribe myself, starting with Turnabout Beginnings.

I'll try to keep everyone udated with how the project's going, as this is why I've been gone so much this summer.


They really don't have text dumps? I'm kind of surprised.

Anyway, hmm, sounds like quite an endeavor to do even a single case. After all, those can take hours to play through entirely. Are we also talking about transcribing every piece of dialogue?

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


There are text dumps. However, on both GameFAQs and Court Records, those cases are missing.

We don't need the whole case, only the essentials. We're only doing the basic storyline, with little to no extra bits in. You don't have to examine extra stuff, write down dialogue for incorrect responses, etc.


My copy of Trials and Tribulations is currently missing, might be able to help you out with Turnabout Big Top though.

Do you need ALL text, like any and all decisions?  Or just the text from choices that move the game forward?




Cool beans, man. I like how there aren't any long pauses in the video due to getting the spoken dialogue synched with the message boxes.

The only advice I can give is that, sometimes, the music and "OBJECTION!"s are a little quiet compared to the VA work. I know this is done to make sure the music doesn't overshadow the voices, but I don't think it would hurt to crank up the music a notch.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Turnabout Sisters

Introducing Gumshoe, Maya, Grossberg, and April May.


Nice work once again! And the music level seems better this time. Let's see if the music/SE tweak still works in the trial.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Looking forward to hearing your voice for Edgeworth.






Episode 5: Waving the White Flag

This brings about the end of the second case. Thoughts?

