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Possible Remake or New Game for A Link to the Past

Started by Hi no Seijin, April 13, 2012, 10:52:58 AM

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Hi no Seijin

I picked up this little nugget of information from GameInformer.  While ALttP is a good game, I'd be far more interested in seeing Majora's Mask remade for the 3DS first.  But if they do bring ALttP to the 3DS, here's what I'm thinking: rebuild the game as a 3D title, and throw in a 2D port as a bonus.  Include the scavenger hunt and Pyramid sidequests from the GBA port, but without the need to unlock them by playing Four Swords.
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Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
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Miss Moonlight

I was so excited when I learned of this. It would be awesome. :O



I hope that the 3DS Zelda game they've been talking about isn't simply just an enhanced port of A Link to the Past. After the awesomeness of Skyward Sword, that would feel a little...underwhelming. (Of course, if they did update it as a 3D Classic as a side project, that would be cool.)

But if it's in the style of A Link to the Past, which it does say, that would be rather interesting! Perhaps it would mark a revisit to the Failed Timeline, which we haven't seen in, like, eight years, maybe?

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


A revisit to the failure branch of the timeline has almost limitless potential to be amazing. I think if it's in the STYLE of the game, it could be so much more on top of enhancing the original's story.

However, if it's simply a 3D remake of the game (which would be both a disappointment and amazing as heck) then.. well... it's my favorite Zelda title, so I'd probably flip out. I made a thread about that on here awhile ago. It was just the idea of a 3D A Link to the Past remake.

Kind of a premonition if they do make it happen, eh?  ;)

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


Some of us did try to pitch the idea to other sites about an ALttP remake years ago, so yes, it would be! But at this point, aside from Majora's Mask, I'm wanting some original material. Skyward Sword really left me wanting more well-crafted stories from the team, since, honestly, they really delivered in that department. With a remake of a SNES game, we probably wouldn't get that; and some part of me doesn't think Nintendo would go ahead with that with a new, large-scale title unless they were going to pull out all the stops and make it even deeper than before.

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

Hi no Seijin

In case you haven't heard yet: A Link to the Past 2.

Holidays 2013, y'all.  So excite. ;D
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
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And I gotta say--the toon style lends itself quite well to A Link to the Past's art style. Now, if there's anything disappointing about it, it's that not much was said about the story and that gameplay was focused on too much...

But then I remembered HOLY CRAP, A NEW ZELDA GAME THIS YEAR!!!

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.