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So how 'bout that Hyrule Warriors?

Started by Vaati, December 18, 2013, 01:45:42 PM

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For those who haven't seen the teaser trailer, you can view it here. I don't know much else about the game aside from what the trailer revealed. Obviously, "Hyrule Warriors" isn't the official name. On Nintendo Direct, they mentioned that this is a spin off the franchise and isn't the game that they had mentioned earlier.

To me, it kind of looks like a game like Link's Crossbow Training only with fencing. I obviously won't be buying it right as it comes out because I don't have the money for a Wii-U, unfortunately. But nonetheless, let's discuss, shall we?

Darth Wyndisis

I like the general concept.  I always kind of wanted to see the Hyrulean knights in action.  I think one thing that looks kind of silly though is Link's attacks.  They just seem ridiculously overpowered and I hope they tone that down a bit.