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Star Wars?

Started by Jack, May 08, 2005, 11:30:31 AM

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Ah so i saw the movie this morning. Despite the bad dialogue (Lucas' admitted weak spot) and the sadness that the saga was now over, it was an amazing movie. Two thumbs up.

Anyone else see it yet?


Actually, ive heard that there gona remake them in 3-D...good or bad? :-\


Ooh... really? Remaking them? I had a feeling that they wouldn't just be able to say, "OK! Star Wars is all done. Enjoy your DVD's! We're off to make a new series--like, 'Moon Peace.'" :D Hard to imagine just an "end" to the saga...

Though I might imagine that some would be indignant if episodes 4-6 were remade...


Not todaly remade, I think, just put into 3-D.*gulp*

Master Goron

Not yet, I'm waiting a while 'cause I don't wanna be there with the millions of people that are going.

No, their already in 3-D, so I'm not really sure what you mean.


You mean, like the Disney-style 3D glasses sort of 3D? With the blue and red goggles (as in "Spy Kids 3D")?


No that would not be cool at all
And it would not work good.

Darth Wyndisis

I saw it today.  (I live in a suburban area, and I got into the movie for a 4:10 showing, and that was a real good time.  The theater wasn't even half full.)  One of the greatest movies I have ever seen.  Lightsaber duels in it are awesome, and I like the whole psycological aspect of it with Anakin.  If anyone can get to it before I do, wouldn't it be cool to make a separate Star Wars thread for those of us who have already seen it?


Done.  ;D

Oh, and I've seen a movie before in IMAX 3D. If you can get the past the wearing of the goggles, it's actually an amazing experience. The action takes place right in front of your face. I can only imagine how amazing Star Wars would be like that.

THus, from what I've read, in 2007 Lucas will rerelease the Prequels in 3D for the 30th anniversery of the first movie's debut.


I saw it yesterday and I was blown away. Obi-Wan and Yoda were even more badass in this one then Episode II. I am one who loves the classics and I think The Empire Strikes Back was the best but I would say Revenge of the Sith is right up there with that and the originals.


Whoa, Rugger's back! Hey there, how is everything going?

Yeah Yoda, and Palpatine too, were by far the best characters in this movie.

I rank it the third best in the saga, with RoTJ as #1 and ESB as #2.

Darth Wyndisis

Hey, BG, glad to see you're back here!  I am going to have to see the movie at least one more time before it comes out.  I think I like movies more the second time because I can focus more attention on smaller details.  Next time I go, I shouldn't sit so close, cause I don't like too big of a picture.  As far as ranking for me goes it is:

#1 RoTJ - Lots of action and a story that ends on a high note.

#2 RoTS - Same as the above, but more action and a phenomenal story that has an unfortunate ending that ties everything together.

#3 ESB - Good effects.  I love the lightsaber battle that ends with Vader revealing his identity as Anakin.  The part with Yoda's training was a bit boring, but it was funny when Luke first met him.

I call a tie between Episode II and IV.  II was a little too lovie dovie, but it was nescessary.  It had its good moments, like the final lightsaber battle, but that was too short.  IV I can't say anything bad about, but it is mostly an introduction to the characters.

#6 PM - Jar Jar Binks killed it.  Loved the lightsaber battle though.


I wish that Lucas would make the last three episodes after Return of Jedi but he said that is most likely won't happen. He did say in a interview that he would consider doing it if RotS is the highest box office movie of the year but I think he is doing that just to get people to see the movie.

Of course he does have the two TV shows coming up but I have a bad feeling about that. Granted the Clone Wars cartoon was pretty good but live action Star Wars TV seems like a bad idea to me.

Darth Wyndisis

It would be neat if he did make VII VIII & IX.  Wouldn't they end up being like the books though?


Not sure, it would be up to Lucas unless he handed over the reins to someone else. However, it would not be the same even if they did it. You can't have someone else play Luke besides Mark Hamill and certainly no one can play Han Solo other then Harrison Ford (Same with Indiana Jones).