zelda viii: oracle of ages
trading sequence
Here is the complete listing of the items you need to give and receive to end up with the Noble Sword (Level 2 Sword).
- After you finish the first dungeon, use the Power Bracelet to lift the stones blocking the Poe. Talk to it to get the Poe Clock.
- Give the Poe Clock to the Postman in Lynna (Past) to receive the Stationery.
- Give the Stationery to the Hand in Lynna (Past) to receive the Stink Bag.
- Give the Stink Bag to the Tokay Chef on Crescent Island (Present) to
receive the Tasty Meat.
- Give the Tasty Meat to the Mask Salesman just before Nuun Highlands in the Present to
receive the Dog Mask.
- Give the Dog Mask to Mamamu Yan in Lynna (Present) to receive the Dumbbell.
- Give the Dumbbell to Skinny Man in Symmetry City (Past) to receive the Cheesy Moustache.
- Give the Cheesy Moustache to the Comedian in Lynna (Present) to
receive the Funny Joke.
- Give the Funny Joke to the depressed boy in Lynna (Past) to receive the Touching Book.
- Give the Touching Book to Maple to receive the Magic Oar.
- Give the Magic Oar to Rafton in South Lynna (Past) to receive the Sea Ukelele.
- Give the Sea Ukelele to the Old Zora who lives south of Naryu in the Present to
receive the Broken Sword.
- Give the Broken Sword to Patch on Restoration Wall. He'll set up another "Ceremony" with eight beetles this time. Win to get the Noble Sword!