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zelda iv: link's awakening

This is a handy trick that will make your game easier. When you need to buy items like the Shovel or Bow and dont want to hand over the cash. Just go to the shop in Mabe Village. Grab the item you want and run really fast around the owner. Then out the door before he can look at you. The next time you go in though, he'll zap you and you'll die. No worries! You still got the item.

Different Theme Music
To get a different Theme music at the title screen, make a new person with the name ZELDA. Yes with the capitals! This trick kinda sucks, so do it if you have nothing to do.

Different Ending
If you beat the game without dying during the final boss after the final credits, when Link is floating on the log, you'll see a lone seagull fly by. Hey waita minute... isn't that? Well play the game and you'll figure it out. Hehe, I bet you liked that one!

Item sequence
It wouldn't be a Zelda game if there wasn't an item sequence. You'll need to do this sequence to proceed during the game.
1. Get 10 Rupees and go to the Trendy Game in Mabe Village. Get the Yoshi Doll.
2. Trade the Yoshi Doll with the Mother who lives in the house by the Dream Shrine. She'll give you a bow.
3. Give the bow to the Conceited Mini-Bow Wow in the dog house in Mabe Village. It'll give you a Can of Dog Food.
4. Trade the Dog Food to the Alligator at the Toronbo Shores (Beach). He'll give you bananas.
5. At the right of Kanalet Castle is Kiki the Monkey. She'll go ape over the bananas and call her friends to build you a bridge. One of the Monkey's will leave behind a stick for you. Essential to the Game
6. Give the stick to Tarin by the tree East of Mabe Village. He'll knock down the bee-hive and get chased away by the bees. Snatch the Honey Comb.
7. Give the Honey Comb to the Bear/Chef in Animal Village. He'll give you the Pineapple.
8. Give the Pineapple to Papahl at Tal Tal Heights. he'll give you a Hibiscus.
9. Go back to Animal Village and give the Hibiscus to the Goat Lady. She'll give you a Letter to deliver to Mr. Write.
10. Mr. Write will trade you a Broom for the Letter. The Letter seems to have a picture of Princess Toadstool inside... hmmm.
11. Give the Broom to Ulira's wife (the sweeping lady) who is at Animal Village. She'll give you a Fishing Hook.
12. At Martha's Bay is a bridge leading to the Island the Mermaid Statue is on. Jump off the bridge and dive in the water and approach the Bridge. You'll enter a 2D scene with the Fisherman. Give him the Hook and he'll give you a Pearl Necklace.
13. In the Northern Part of Martha's Bay is a Mermaid. Give her the Necklace in exchange for a scale.
14. Put the scale on the Mermaid Statue and it will move, revealing a stair case. In the cave below is the Magnifying Glass!
15. Go back to Animal Village and enter the seemingly empty house (by the Goat's house). Inside is a Zora! He'll tell you about a special place at the Beach.
16. Go to the Beach and bomb the bomb-able wall at the Shore of the Beach. Inside is a dog/shop owner that begs you for a item. Give him the Shovel, the most useless item, and he'll give you the Boomerang. You can trade back as much as you want, but who cares? The Boomerang is the best weapon in the Game.

Picture Places
Here are the twelve different picture locations in the game:
1. When you first enter the Camera Shop, the guy will take your picture.
2. When you finally return Bow Wow to his house after the second dungeon.
3. In front of the Kanalet castle gates with Richard.
4. In front of the Grave of the Ghost that followed you around.
5. With the Fisherman under the bridge in Martha's Bay.
6. In the Tal Tal Mountain Range (the farthest North-East screen) on a small peak with a bush.
7. With the invisible Zora in the Animal Village.
8. While Marin is with you you can get a pic at the Flying Rooster Statue.
9. While Marin is following you jump into the well outside of Mabe Village.
10. While Marin is following you, you can get a pic at the narrow cliff on the farthest left part of the beach.
11. Peek into one of the windows on either side of the door to Ulira's house for a revealing picture of ol' Grampa Ulira.
12. Perform the stealing trick, then go to the Photo Shop to see your picture in the album.

A Glitch
This really doesn't do much except mess up your game a little. If you do do it, don't save your game becuase how you use it might have negative effects. When you are about to enter the next screen, like the split second it moves to then next screen, hit select to turn on the map. Close the map and you will appear on the other side of the screen. You can use this to get past the Walrus while still having Marin following you, but then when the ghost appears Marin will turn into a ghost!

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