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[Updates] Woah.
29 Mar 2008 — by kamakaziplumber
Caption Game has been updated, finally. The threatening emails can end, now!* Thank you very much.

Ezlo is still being a lazy bum. I don't know what I'm going to do with him! As it is I can't find him, but, he is a Minish. They're good hiders, you know. Anyways, I'll deal with him when he turns up.

Caption Game will remain as is for another week or so, whereupon I will announce a winner and finally start a new one. This extra week is just out of fairness to anyone who might not have sent in a submissions for fear that it would never get put up. It will, I swear it!

For now I'm signing off, but let's hope I'll be back soon! smile

*Actually, there were no threatening emails. Though I sure deserved some. Thanks for the patience, everyone! tongue

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