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[Updates] Day-Late Update...
24 Jul 2008 — by kamakaziplumber
Well, I tried holding off a bit to finally get an Ezlo update in, but, he has yet to send in his next batch of answers.  So instead, make due with a handful of Caption Game submissions, and a Library update!

Caption Game submission counts have been thinning these past few weeks, so I have a feeling next week will see the end of this Contest. One last chance to send in a winning caption, pals. Get on it!

And, MagmarFire has submitted the next (and, apparently, final) chapter of The Master Sword Chronicles, along with a re-write of his first chapter. So, check those out here. They're good stuff, they are. I expect to see the next book submitted as well, Magmar!

Well, that's all for this week. Let's hope Ezlo gets his act together soon. Until next time!

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