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[HA2 Update] Gohma Vanquished, Population of Hyrule Rejoices!
23 Jun 2009 — by kamakaziplumber
Yes. It has finally happened. Gohma has been slain. AFTER TWO YEARS OF WAITING!

What this means is that HA2 is essentially on a roll at this point. A bunch of us have returned to writing and RPing, and with the inevitable opening of South Hyrule, an entire new area will be available for new events, quests, stories, and the like. It's an even bigger world, now.

So if you've been waiting to join HA2 but you haven't had a good reason, now you do. Just jump in already. We'll help you get started and on your way to being part of the story. If you're interested in RPing, you should look no further.

Meanwhile, we'll be trying to focus more on HA2's goings-on here on the front page, for the sake of creating awareness about this hidden gem of TDC. So keep a look out for those articles! AND GO POST ALREADY.

See you in Hyrule!

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