The Caption Game

The Caption Game is TDC's classic interactive feature. Here, you can submit a humorous caption to the screenshot below. When submitting use the submission form below, or you can send your caption in an email to webmaster [at] desertcolossus [dot] com. Remember when submitting, that any captions considered inappropriate or vulgar will not be posted, as will off-topic or spam submissions.

On the day of his coming of age, Link receives a new set of clothing from his grandmother as a birthday present. What does the old prune say to our Hero as she presents the gift to Link?

Past Caption Games | Mid September 2008 through mid November 08 | July 2008 through mid September 08 | May 2008 through July 08 | February 2007, Part 2 to May 2008 | February 2007, Part 1 | December 2006 | November 2006 | October 2006, Weeks 3-4 (7th Bday Contest Edition) | October 2006, Weeks 1-2 | September 2006, Weeks 3-4 | September 2006, Weeks 1-2 | August 2006, Weeks 4-5 | July 2006, Weeks 3-4 | July 2006, Weeks 1-2 | Late May/Early June 2006 | Late June 2006 | Late May/Early June 2006 | April 2006, Weeks 3-4 | April 2006, Weeks 1-2 | Mar 2006, Weeks 3-4 | Mar 2006, Weeks 1-2 | Feb 2006, Weeks 3-4 | Feb 2006, Weeks 1-2 | Jan 2006, All | Dec 2005, Weeks 3-4 (Holiday Contest Edition) | Dec 2005, Weeks 1-2 | mid-October 2005 - end-November 2005 | October 2005, Weeks 1-2 | September 2005, Weeks 3-4 | September 2005, Weeks 1-2 | August 2005 | July 2005, Weeks 3-4 | July 2005, Weeks 1-2 | June 2005 | May 2005, Week 4 | May 2005, Weeks 1-3 | April 2005, Weeks 3-4 | April 2005, Week 2 | April 2005, Week 1 | March 2005 |

This Caption Game is closed. Please check out the current Game if you'd like to participate!

The Best of the Bunch! (In order of hilarity)

Grandma: Why are they green?
Grandma: Ask Zill.

Xyana the Arrow
Grandma: Here, dearie. I got you a brand new dress!
Link: Grandma! I don't wear dresses!
Grandma: Why not? Normal girls do!
Link: I'M NOT A GIRL!!!
Grandma: You're not?...oh, sorry, it's always so hard to tell in this stupid Anime style.*@#% designers.

Grandma: Well, Link when I bought these clothes, I heard that whoever wears these will meet a pirate, have their sister kidnapped by a giant bird, meet a talking boat, rescue a violin playing turnip for a big-nosed tree and have to save a a magical golden land at the bottom of the Great Sea from a fat evil overlord. But that'll probably never happen. Eh, Link?

The Submissions

Grandma: Try these on, I'm sure it'll make you look a little less like that homeless guy who lives under Red Lobster.
Link: Um...who?
Grandma: Oh...what's his name...Adam Sandler!
Link: O RLY?
Grandma: YA RLY.

Grandma: i was gona get u blue, but they were out. then i was going for a baseball cap and they were out. so finally i was gona get pants but-
Link: (interupts) they were out!
Grandma: no stupid. the tights looked better!

Grandma: I got these cheap from a hobo down the street. I've only got a pesioners budget to live on. Be happy you even get a present

Grandma: Gwanny has bought you a nice wittle dress for your birthday.
Link: Thanks, but who's that waving at me in your bed?
Grandma: It's not what you think, I swear.
Link: Are you cheating on gramps with Tingle?
Grandma: Shut-up boy and stop asking questions!
Link: ...

Grandma: Now , don't be so upset, Link. Be glad I provided skirt leggings for you!
Link: Yay! ...Wait, what?

Grandma: Link... These fibers are made so only the truthful may see.
Link: Gradma, I'm naked...

Grandma: I picked this up for you in the produce department, i hope you like them....some odd looking man short man in tights told me any boy would look just fine in it.*creepy*

Grandma: Link, I love you. But you look so ugly! Will you please change? I am begging you! I'll give you some of my soup.
Link: But grandma, I hate those ugly things!
Grandma:I hope I can at least get him to take a shower...

Grandma: Now, I know you wanted a CameCube...but this ais just as good! Uh, Link?

Grandma: Link!!! Come get your freshly ironed undies.

Grandma: Well, someone other than a fairy had to give them to you to start your adventure.

Grandma: Here you go, son. I'm giving these to you not only so you will become a true hero, but also so everyone will have something to laugh at.

Eddie Jones
Grandma: I don't care if you think wearing tights and a green tunic makes you look like a nancy just put the dammned thing on!

Grandma: Here. I got this at a flea market for two rupees so take it.

The green rag
Grandma: I hate these clothes here happy birthday,Link.
Link: I think blue is my color.

Grandma: This is an old...very old green rag I found in my trash can this morning.Here you can hav it

Grandma: Hey,Link,your present came!
Link: Let me see it!
Grandma:I bid on these for you on ebay.
Link:When was the last time they were washed?
Grandma: That I don't want to mention...

Grandma: Happy Birthday Link! This is your one and ONLY birthday gift! And if Aryll gives you something else, thow it way...

Grandma: Here are the clothes of the GREAT HERO OF TIME! Wear so you don't make me look bad, because I have the most horrible grandson...[sigh]...just wear them, Stupid!

Grandma: Don't forget to pack clean undies, *enter name here*, you are not a commando

Grandma: Sadly Mr. Bond, serious decrease in the production of tuxedos has put me at a loss. I have had to find this green suit and tights for you to complete your mission in.
Link: I'd like to go with no clothes Grandma: Aryll would like that too.

Grandma: Put these clothesw on,you have been wearing those for a year!

Grandma: Take these clothes..and get a girlfriend..and when you come back... I want grandbabies!!! Mwhahahahahahahahahahhaha!!!!!

Grandma: Yes, have a bad taste when you have to change in front of Ezlo!!!!

an enigma in a mystery
Grandma: Here's your plot device! Have fun!

Darth Citrus
Grandma: "Look, all the other games had one, and I'll be danged before I let my grandson save the world in those"

Grandma: These were your father's. I bought them when he was your age... of course, that was back in the 70's, when they had this thing called "unisex clothing"...
Link: Um... do you have anything a little less... effeminate?
Grandma: Look, just be glad I didn't go for the leisure suit.
Link: *Shudders*

Grandma: FINALLY! MY GOD! I have been waiting for you to finally get your coming of age clothes so mabye you'll grow up more! Jeez!
Link: *head down low* sorry grandma....
Grandma: Mabye you'll get some maturity in these! Either that or finally leave me in peace! Good God! I can't afford it anymore!

Grandma: If you want Zelda to like you, then you must Look the look and talk the talk, home-boy L!!
Link: Zelda is finally gonna give me the reward of a baby now

Grandma: ur gonna wear this tunic and like it!!!
Link: rasberries.

Grandma: here ya go, now u can play as robin hood (chuckes)

Grandma: hmm i dont know who this is but tingle sent u these he said he wants everyone in this style this year

Grandma: these were once your fathers when he was your age. I left them the way they were. try them on
Link: (sniffs the clothes)

King of Darkness
Grandma: Here link, take these clothes and be proud of it!!!!

Zombie Chicken
Grandma: Here are your new clothes, only been worn at the sweat shop and in the public restroom... and... when i made chocolate in bed...

Grandma: i made these frome poison ivy leaves and eyelashes

Grandma: Link hurry....put these on!
Link: Why?
Grandma: Dont ask questions Link! We gotta get off this island before the cops get here and find the body....
Link: What??? What bod...
Grandma: Dont delay! We must swim to dragon roost and hide!
Link: But i can only stay in water for 30 seconds...

Grandma: Heres your clothes all washed and ironed.. it was hard getting those blood stains out, have you been picking your nose again?

Grandma: Here you might need this, for, you know, those rags you have on. I hope these are coolio.

Grandma: Oh Linkie dear! Try this dress- eh, I mean um... Tunic! Yes tunic on! I could never fit in it anayway... Uhoh!

Grandma: Here you go Link your new dancing outfit.
Link: What?!
Grandma: opps sorry I forgot to take my pills today HAHAHAHAHAHA

Grandma: Do I have to wear this?
Grandma:Shutup and take the dress.

Uber Link
Grandma: you need to get rid of that HORRID lobster shirt you wiyly little tyke. This should liven up you're closet a bit.
Link: But grandma, ive had this shirt since I was born!!
Grandma: EXACTLY!!!

jim bob
Grandma: these are for you go try them on....NOW!!?!?!?!?
LINKI (thinking): ohh god why do you hate me? what did i ever do to you??? *goes cries in a hole*

Grandma: After trying on his new outfit, Link realized that his Granny had tricked him into wearing her used, and somehow green, tampons.

JMC Lewis
Grandma: This was once worn by a great, also named Link, but alas, he wasn't as fat as you...

Grandma: I have nothing to do but give you these worn out idiotic clothes worn by the Hero of Time.

Playuh playuh
Grandma: I didnt have much money for a christmas present so i got you these clothes.
Link: Thanks?

Grandma: The clothes you're wearing makes you look like a wuss. Here! This will make you almost (but not nearly enough) bootyful!
Link: Yay I get to wear a skirt!

Grandma: these are your grandfathers warior clothes they are very sweaty and stinky but you'll get over the smell eventually.

Red Winged Xu
Grandma: Damnit, you need pants don't you?

Grandma: NOW will you stop fighting evil in your PJ's?

Grandma: Eat this its good for your fiber

Grandma: I accidentaly put your white shirt in with all of my green shirts.

Grandma: DO you mind taking these to the wash. They are in a need to be cleaned after all the last hero that wore these never took bathes or went to the bathroom if you know what I mean.

Grandma: Those clothes you are wearing are stupid. I say, who wears lobsters on their shirts anymore? Huh HUH?!

Grandma: Here Link try these on, they are special garb that only the honest can see!
Link:But i can see them.....
Grandma:I'm not calling you not honest!!!It was just a joke....

Director:CUT!What's with the empty caption?!
Director:Oh..Kids are gonna fill it in?
Link:Can we get on with it?!I want to play the part where I blow up stuff.

Grandma: This was once worn by the hero of dance!
Link:Finally!I can sing and dance with Britney Spears!!

Grandma: Here's your new work uniform! Yeah, that's right, YOU'RE WORKING FOR ME NOW!!!!!

Grandma: I know you're tired of being mistaken for a Legal Seafood ad...

George R.
Grandma: It wasn't easy, but I got your clothes back from the Like-like

Grandma: You didn't expect to stay in your pajamas all day, did you?

Grandma: His your pimp clothes deary, wear them with cheap perfume for max afect!

Grandma: We are saving money. Your going to be eating pork n beans for awhile

Mysterious One
Grandma: This might be a little on the tight side below the belt, but you'll get used to wearing it around!
Link: A 'little'?

mr. flachenheiner
Grandma: well here you go Link, you're new hero's outfit. Hope you like it *snickers* He'll never notice the self wedgie feature.*cough*

Grandma: I hope you die in these Linky-Boy!

Grandma: Here,link,put this on!
Link: Thanks grandma,i guess.*confused look on his face*

Sailor N
Grandma: HAVE A CLOTHES CAKE!!!!!!!!PIE!!!!!

Grandma: Please don't mind the smell I pretend Im you every night and I fell asleep once and had an accident.

"That guy..."
Grandma: Hope you like these because this is all your ever gunna get,ever,hahahahahahaha!

Grandma: Happy Minishmasukah!!!!!

Grandma: This used to be a handsome white suit, but I accidently put it in the washing machine with some dark green socks, and, well...I'm sure it'll look just fine anyway. Try it on!

Grandma: I got you a child medium, but they might be a bit tight, so tell me I you need to exchange them. Oh, and don't tell Aryll, but these are her tights. They didn't have any boys tights at the store.

Grandma: Look what was on sale at Party City!

Grandma: your finally old and mature enough to run around outset and everywhere without any pants!

Grandma: I was going to buy you that sword you've been asking me for, but then I thought to myself, "Link would much rather receive clothes for his birthday, like normal children do."

Grandma: A guy named Tom INGLE sent this mailed these clothes, only used 987,654,321 times, to you special!

Grandma: you know these are VERY special clothes! link: they're ugly! these suck!

Grandma: Check it out! straight out of the hyrule-mart bargin bin!
grandma: whaaaa?

Grandma: Here young skywalker-er..i mean Link-are your new clothes.
(a few minutes later after Link leaves)
man, that skywalker dude is HOTT! ahhhh *grandmother goes on daydreaming about young anakin skywalker*

Dark Link
Grandma: I just made these for you! Don't rip them like you did last time! Okay, Link?
Link: Whatever you old bat.

Grandma: Gawd, here are your flippin' clothes, Link.

Grandma: Take them,they're not that ugly,I hope so at least.

Grandma: This is what you would call rough work from a pro, take good care of it my son.

Grandma: I'm sorry, I sneazed on your White clothes, and they're your only clothes left.

Grandma: Now don't wet this won like you did last year... or last night.
Link: GRANDMA!!!!

Darth Ales
Grandma: What? You thought that you wouldn't have to wear these ridicoulus trademark clothes again? Don't be dissapointed be proud child... oh and they are a little dirty and sweaty since the last Link slept in them for 7 years hehe.

Grandma: My old clothes were a bit tiresome and you said they looked bland so I bought you a new set of clothes, for myself. *snicker*

Kathryne Vance
Grandma: I hope you enjoy these clothes. I know they're warm, and I know they're not aqua, but I'm sure, you'll be much more of a ladies' man.

Grandma: As much as I'd rather have you walk around naked, they tell me it's "illegal" nowadays.

Prime 2.0
Grandma: I WAS going to give you the legendary clothes of invisibility-to-those-who-are-not-pure-of-heart, but I GUESS you should have thought of that before you broke those pots at the scholars house!

Grandma: One rip in these and you're dead!

Grandma: I hope spandex is comfortable for you, sonny.

Grandma: Your uncle sent these to you, but...I think he thinks your a girl...
Link: These were bought at Baby Gap?
Aryll: Can I have them?!?

Super ChuChu Jelly Mastah
Link: Yay! My first skirt and tights!
Grandma: How will I ever get grandchildren this way? *sigh*

Grandma: Don,t ask why it's green like that, just put it on!

Steiner Bucket
Grandma: It was white when I bought it...

Grandma: Link! Your new green fuzzy cloak came in the mail!
Link: Huzzah! I am now a pimp!
Grandma: Word.
Link: "Rip off dat phat beat DJ so pwnful yo"

Grandma: Link, you know why I got you clothes for your birthday?
Link: Why?
Grandma: Because your old ones are too small, and smell like dead lobsters.
Link: *sigh*

martin foy
Grandma: here's your birthday present!
link: dang, i thought it was the ds! (stupid hag...)

Grandma: ah, your parents always wanted you to be a girl. They left you a dress and tights, Thank god they didn't leave underwear as well.

Grandma: You are sure to attract all the hotties in this super hot suit. Your super hot ancestor wore this too...and didn't wash for seven years. Ha ha, the sheer joy of it all.

Grandma: Here honey this will make you look like tingle your idol.

Grandma: Enjoy your Birthday Suit! *snickersnicker*

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