Act 2: Back Home Again
Our subject, Link I, of three of the Destined Hero of Time tracked through the uncharted part of the Lost Woods. A boy of merely eleven and a heart of gold. His original quest was failed. He had been searching for a wild dream of a great friend that had been with him every step in his last quest. This friend is Navi. A fairy of good nature that kept Link warm in rain, and kept him company when he was lonely. Their relationship spanned for more than three measly days, more like seven years, yet more like two. He didn't know why she left, but he'd forgotten, a deep, lonely memory, lost in his new and youthful mind.
* * *
Fatigued and wasted, the five of them, Tatl, Tael, Skull Kid, Epona, and of course, Link. Finally came to the front part of the Woods that lead into the Kokiri Forest. They went through the main wood borrow to the Forest and they got off Epona.
"Thanks man! We be goin' now!" The Skull Kid shook Link's hand. The twin fairies came out of Link' cap and rubbed his cheeks and said farewell and disappeared into the Forest. Link drowsily looked over the mass opening of cut houses of great tree trunks.
He smiled and lower his eyes abit, being tired. He ordered Epona to jump down the the vine wall alone. He did too, and both jumped down again and Link lead Epona to his house and graze at bottom ladder. Meanwhile Saria was sobbing in Link's house, along with Mido rubbing her back and trying to calm her.
"Listin Saria, he's not dead! Besides, this isn't health to cry like this!" And suddenly there was a great horse naugh outside. Saria sucked up soot and tears and smiled and they rushed to the window. She screamed and stampered and jumped down the ladder and hugged Link in a rush, scaring Epona out of the forest.
"My poor, poor baby!" Saria shook him in excitement in her arms.
Link's head flopped back and mumbled gibberish and spittled.
"I'm-hah huh.....I'm-ba- tired!" Link yelled sluggishly, trying to bring his head up.
"Yes," Saria, glad to see him, closed her eyes and hugged him gently "yes, whatever you need, as long as your back." All the Kokiri children came out of their houses to see the return of their beloved hero, drowsy and fatigued, being carried asleep to his house.
To Link, it seemed that he floated to his house and up to his bed, everything round seeming to be fading as he got closer to his bed. And to him, his boots, cap, sword and shield came off magically the covers of his bed opened and let him float there and lay down. And right before his last fading sight was of Saria, at the end of pulling up of the covers on him and mumbling "sweet dreams" softly. He'd be asleep for more than four days, because of overexcitement and fatigue. Every dream he drept were warm and sweet.
* * *
Five hours from that moment, a faint figure trailed the Haunted Wasteland.
Fierce whipping winds of sand and hidden quicksand pools were avoided merely to this brave soul that tracked from The Colossus Desert to The Gerudo Fortress. The length of the Wastland, from the Desert, to the Fortress was atleast fifty miles of hell that tortured
every being who traverse it.
The Gerudo Fortress was at ease from thievery, because of the now rewritten state of Hyrule, making no king, thus less thievery.
Lazy Gerudo Guards were playing strip poker because the leader of the fortress didn't carry, and everyone was bored. So, for once, they did something stupid.
"No, NO! please......" one of them begged. she was hiding behind the giant rock in the fortress front. She was almost nude and heat wasn't good for those soft parts......
"Come on Pamela, I got a royal flush. What are you worrying about, were not playing keeps-!" The guard was interrupted from a banging from the wooden gate to the desert.
The guards put on the remainder of their clothes and went up to the gate, but they stopped in shock. How could somebody be on the outside of the gate, or it could be....
"Let me in, stupids!" The person said in a feminine voice, but seemed to be in a cloak.
"Nabooru?" the closest guard pondered and made whispers among them. "Nabooru!"
they all shouted and ran to the gate. They seemed very happy.
"Oh Naboo-" One guard began.
"GET MY WATER AND OPEN THE GATE!" Nabooru yelled and showing her face, that was no longer pretty, because of the sands. So the guards opened the gate and let her in. A few steps and she wobbled, making the guards trying to catch her, until she feel in a cloud of sand. They dragged her off towards the fortress to get her back to health.
Later that night, in the moonlight, on top of the front wall of the Hyrule Market, a small flash of light and a figure came down on a slight ride of fire on its feet and crouched on the top of the wall and was accompanied by a light footed animal that pounced behind it. The great figure rose, metal gleaming on him in the moonlight. He had a great cape and green glowing eyes that came from a dark metal head. It looked at the moon and then to his furry companion.
"So this is Hyrule, where the supposed "Hero of Time" lives, eh, Frank?"
The furry figure sat down like a cat and meowed softly. Suddenly the metallic figure spun around and saw two guards talking and making their way to the drawbridge, to guard.
The cat meowed softly again.
"Wha?! Your hungry again, damn cat! Okay, but after I ask them where he is."
The figure jumped down smoothly, behind the guards and startled them.
They turned around, shivering, one said "Wha-wha-what are ya!" he stuttered.
"No one, really. First, tell where the Hero of Time lives, or my cat well devour you two."
Frank, or else could Franky, plopped down on the stone floor, cracking it because of its big size, and sat there.
"Heh, heh, pla-pla- please mak, that-eat us?!"
"Tell me where he lives!"
"We don't knowww!" They both winded and landed on their knees and begged for mercy.
"Frank, have your meal........." the figure turned and went deeper in the market. The guards took up their spears and tried to defend themselves, but Franky took off the first guard's left hand, and not three seconds after that, took his head clear off and went for the second guard. As the metallic figure walked, blood splattered on the wall and a bloody spear with a hand on the grip hit the wall, to his right. Then he stopped. Franky jumped on his shoulder, licking his chops.
"Good meal, eh?"
The cat meowed in a 'of course'.
"Maybe we can find somebody in there who knows him." The man pointed to Hyrule and made his way there. "I searching for him, because he might know where the Iron Fist is.
I heard he looks like a small cute elven boy, with green clothes, a sword and shield, bangs, and real big ass ego!" They moved on into the castle.
Right then, to figures were at the sight where the guards were eaten. Nothing was there, but armor.
"What did this, Kasuto?" the short teenager next to the larger man, who said. "Roam and Frank, Mudora. Only a paw size that big can only mean Frank ate these guards." The taller man pointed a paw print in some drying blood. It was almost a big as a dinner plate.
"We need to find Link and tell him of the danger he is in, Kasuto!" Mudora yelled frantically.
"Patience, Mudora, patience."