by Reveka Sheikah

Index of Poems

Hero of Time

Guardian of Hyrule
Protector of life
With the strength of a bully
That never dies

With your sacred sword
Repel evil
And with your light bow
Destroy the fear-fever

Princess of destiny
Counts with you
But with her divinity
You both fell in love

You will always be remembered
For being strong and brave
You will never be forget
Not until the death

Enemies…they hate you
People…maybe they too
But you care?
I think maybe not yet

But for me…
Deeply inside
You will always be
The Hero of Time

Link's Daughter Lullaby

I’m so sad
When you are crying
Take my hand
You can feel it
I’ll protect you
From anything
Cry no more
I am with you

You look so strong
But you’re still so little
I want to hold you
I’m protecting you
You are my light
Among the death
Cry no more
I am with you

My ocarina lulls you to sleep
Stay in my arms as I sing
And visit the magic world of dreams

From now on
It will be an unbroken love
Between us
We both know where we belong
But if you let yourself go on through the earth
You will always be on my heart

Could we start again please?

I was looking for you at the castle
But you wasn’t in there
Why you act so bashful?
Three days I’ve spend
Wasting my time
Without you I will die
Sorry of what I did
To you
I think you’re right for doing the same to me
God but not so long
How to say this?
Could we start again please?

Forgive me my dear Zelda
For being an useless, idiot fella
I know I broke your heart
I hope we can start
Once again
You and I
Together until the end

What I feel for you is unique
Remember that we made a good team
Please don’t say me no
‘Cause if you do
My life will be so dull

I see at the fire and think
That know you was the greatest I ever live
I don’t wanna cry
I don’t wanna die
Does the love is something that I have to buy?
Is a big love that never
Can be finished, and will go on forever

Now I’m alone
‘Cause what you said, finished with all
Or maybe is a lost dream?
Why you are gone?
And I still don’t know how to say this…
Could we start again please?

The rising of the Sheikah moon

In the rising of the Sheikah moon
With a slow and odd walking
Sheik is coming back to town
He’s not different from the king
Two or three words was made his tongue
But something bad is going on with him
With cold and dark eyes
He peered at me
But why he lies?
I don’t know
What is all about?
Does he have something to do with Ganondorf?
King of the evil dopes?
His bloody eyes can say the truth
But yet
I don’t know him so
And I can’t see his soul
He’s all a mystery for us
It can happen just
In the rising of the Sheikah moon

I love her

To Fer…thank you for these words

(It doesn’t rhymes, it just a reflexion)

I woke up and I realized that she wasn’t by my side
It was a bad beginning, but it got worse
It was because you didn’t come back and I wondered…
Why I didn’t tell her the truth?
Why did I let her go?
Why I didn’t tell her what I feel for her?
Maybe she could stay and listen to me
But I was so stupid…
Now I can understand what she said me:
Don’t stop telling the people how much you love them,
Because maybe you won’t be able to see them again…
Now that she is far away…I repent
Without tell her how I love her

Confessions of a Princess

In the half is more a reflexion
Thanks for everything Fer…

I want to live my life with an open heart
With an exit and no fear of die
Leave my parents a note on the mirror
And be my self, not a princess of the terror
Nor a doll nor a puppet without feelings
That they could control with no good dealings
The days are passing, the hours and days
I can’t unmake the knot that lead me death
And for that now I got to pay
I thought I try to escape, they always find me
My heart cries a river of red blood
Making me sleep on a dump
You can say it’s a damn dramaticall plot
But you don’t know me so
How to say I love you to a person that doesn’t even know you exist?
Or maybe, what to do with the person that hurt you?
Or how to let go something that you want with all your heart,
Just for make that person happy?
Because you care more for his happiness
It is no friend the one that offends you
It is no friend the one that save you
A real friend, it the one who can understand you
The one that keeps your secrets
The one who accompanies you in the life
The one you love
A real friend, it’s the one who save me
And the one who save Hyrule
The one I love
The one who is known as…
The Hero of Time

Where are you?

Sometimes when I think
I think in you,
And I feel that this good bye is going to kill me,
I don’t know why you left me
When peace returned to Hyrule
And darkness were defeated the sun
I just know that your love
Will never bee truth
The heart that keep your heart
Will die in a few time
I look at the shy and scream to the goddesses:
Where are you? Where are you?
Don’t let me live in the time I don’t want to be
Will you remember me?
Will you look after me?
Play your ocarina again
I want to be in there
Come back to me or I will die
I go to that place where we met
To see if you are still in there
But that garden is no dark and lonely
Why? Why did you leave me?
I beg to the goddesses for you to come back
Play your ocarina again
I want to be in there
Just with you…
Where are? Where are you?
Come back to me please…
Where are you?

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