The Trip to Hyrule
by LilBlondi0309

I shut my eyes tightly as a big wind picked up.  It was so windy that you could throw a soccer ball into the wind, turn around, and get knocked out when it came back and hit you in the back of the head.  I was pressed back against my school’s double doors. 

I felt myself being lifted off the ground.  I didn’t dare open my eyes.  I felt warmth around me and the tingling sensation stopped at once.  Now I felt courage and opened my eyes only to find myself on a large steel circle with the diameter of about a school bus’s length.  I looked up to find a light blue haze looking back at me.  And all that I saw to every side was blackness.  Lightning struck the steel circle behind me.  I must have jumped ten feet in the air.  A melodic woman’s voice spoke behind me.

“Don’t be afraid young one” said a woman with rusty red hair.  She had large golden hoops around her wrists, ankles, and neck.  Blue and green lightning struck before me and two more women appeared.  One with light green hair and a dot with wings hovering beside her, the other with cerulean blue hair and  a large baton with a heart at the top.  I felt as if my body was no longer there.  Only my soul remained present in this strange place.

“Din…Farore…Naryu,” I muttered.

“Very good,” the three women said in chorus, as if they were one in themselves.  All of a sudden everything went black.  I tried to open my eyes but it was like I had none, I had no eyes to control.  I tried again this time I found my muscles, my body returned.  I regained the feeling in my whole body; I felt a searing pain just below my right shoulder, on my arm. 

I opened my eyes slowly.  I found myself on an island in the middle of a lake a small lake at that so small you could only fit three semi-trucks across it.  I was sitting against a large leafless tree.  To my right, another much smaller island so small it was only the size of a single bed. To my left a bridge lead to…an even smaller island yet.  That island bridged to the mainland.  Across the lake on the opposite shore sat an old, leaning house with a long narrow chimney.  The house was seated at the top of a cliff, which wasn’t much of a cliff seeing as it was only about a ten-foot drop.  Atop the tree I was now standing next to was a very big owl.  It was bigger than me!  It cocked it’s head to the side, who’d at me, and flew away.  That seemed to be that for the fat old owl.  I heard the clip clop of an approaching horse.  I spun around and hid behind the big ancient tree.  The boy, who seemed my age, was sitting on top of the horse and had not seemed to have noticed me.    He rode up, dismounted, and looked at the stone inscription on the ground then to the sky.  I began to shift my position so as to put the tree directly between the two of us.  I wasn’t quite quiet enough. 

“Who’s there?!” He exclaimed as he pulled out a bow and arrow as quick as lightning. 

“I…um…I was just sittin’ here, sorry.” I said quickly trying to avoid any trouble I might get myself into. 

“Goddesses!  You had me worried!  I thought you were a Gerudu!” he said

“Well I don’t quite know what a…um…Gerudu is, but I do know that I’m not one.”  I said quickly                                                           

“Well obviously!  Your clothes are all wrong!”  He retorted.  I looked down at my clothes to see that I no longer wore my T-shirt and skirt.  I now wore what reminded me of a blue Easter dress and silver jewelry.  Then I remembered the searing pain on my right arm.  I looked down to find a yellow tattoo that looked like a golden manikin holding up a yellow beam of light. 

“Hey!” I suddenly remembered how he had been rude to me.  “Don’t you go around sassin’ young ladies like you are!” I snapped.  He began to laugh.  “What’s so funny?!  Are you laughin’ at me shortie?!” I demanded.

“No, it’s nothing.  My name is Link.  Nice to meet you,” he said pretending to curtsy.  He came closer just to prove that he was taller.  That he was!  By about three inches too!  He extended his hand.

“Mine’s Allie,” I said shaking his hand.

“Do you live around here?” he asked.

“Well no actually I just got here, and I don’t quite know where I am,” I said not sure of how much I should tell him. 

“Well then young lady, you should come with me, I know a place where you can stay,” he said hopping back on his horse.  I hopped on behind him. 

“Hold on!” He said as he patted the horse on it’s head.  The horse, whose name I found out, was Epona, began to trot.

“By the way, how many years are you?” He asked.

“You mean how old am I?” I asked

“Um… I guess so” He answered looking a little puzzled.

“Well I’m twelve years old if that’s how you say it here.

“Yeah, it’s something like that.” He said still pondering the how old thing.  We rode in silence for a few minutes. 

“Oh! I get it now!” He said.  I began to laugh at how proud he was that he figured that out.  Link began to laugh a little himself.  As we rode over a hill the most breath-taking sight overcame me.  The sun was setting just behind the steeple of an old gothic style castle.

“You will need to talk to Princess Zelda and the King about staying here but, I can pull a few strings so you can stay until then.” he said. 

“Thank you so much, but, why are you doing this for me?” I asked.

“I like your attitude,” He replied with a smirk.  Epona neared the castle and we crossed a few dark alleys and a fountain in the middle of what appeared to be the main street.  Only two guards were in front of the dirt lane leading to the castle’s main section.  All Link had to do was say his name and the guards let us by.  I wondered if he was really that important. 

“I really like your horse!” I said “She’s beautiful,”

“I got her from a place called Lon Lon Ranch,” he said.  After we un-tacked Epona Link showed me up to a small room I could stay in. 

“Goodnight,” he said smiling. 

“Bye!” I said returning his smile. “Oh! And Thanks! A bunch!” I called after him.

“You’re welcome!” he called back.  After that I changed into a nightgown I found in a nearby closet.  I closed my eyes and I saw Link, only there was something wrong, he looked different.  His azure eyes were cloudy and his expression was creepy.  I then saw my Link, the real Link trapped, 'What's going on?!' I wondered.  the cloudy-eyed Link then stabbed my Link in the heart.  I screamed and stumbled backwards.  I tripped over my shoe on the floor and as I fell hit my head on the bedpost.  An un-earthly pain overcame my head.  I passed out within a minute from the fall.


‘What happened?’ I wondered.  I looked around through my eyelashes so that it appeared that I was still asleep.  I was in a small room not the one I was in last night. 

            “Will she be okay, Impa?”  Said a voice from the next room.  The voice belonged to Link.  ‘Thank goodness he’s okay!’  I thought. 

            “She’ll be just fine; it’s only a minor concussion.”  Said the woman named Impa.  At these words I felt a very large pain on the side of my head just above my right ear.  ‘Now I remember’ I thought ‘I fell and hit my head last night after seeing that strange Link’ I could hear the door being opened on the other side of the room.  I quickly shut my eyes and relaxed my breathing despite the pain in my head, although, it was now reduced to a dull ache. Whoever it was didn’t continue through the doorway.

            “Where did she say she was from?” Impa asked. 

            “She called it Washington D.C.” Link said

            “Well… I don’t remember a place called that near the Windfall Islands, nor Clocktown, and certainly not here.” She said in an exasperated tone.  She was a tall woman judging by her voice and her heavy strides. “I will go speak with the King and the Princess” She announced.  I could hear her walking out the door in the other room.  Link then came in and shut the door behind him.  His footsteps grew louder as he drew nearer.  Then it stopped.  I knew he was near but I could no longer hear him and couldn’t pinpoint his location. 

            “Well she’s not pale anymore” He mumbled.  ‘Pale? I’m never pale!’ I thought ‘I guess that’s what made it odd’ from what I could hear he was standing right beside me.  I could feel his breath on my cheek.  He then knelt down and kissed my forehead.  That was all I saw, heard, and felt before I fell back to sleep.

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