Level 7
Joined: Experience: 474
Class: Vagabond//Thief
: 661
TP: 4
The joyous celebration continues without a hitch, until a blast of fire sears forth toward the cake. Any attempt at stopping this blaze would be foolhardy at best. Just as it nears touching the cake, a figure jumps in front of it, doing a twirly-flippy thing, which spreads the flame around the cake.
A few tantalizing seconds later, the smoke begins to clear. Just before the man can be identified, he says, "Oh come now, It's not a real birthday cake without candles!" Sure enough, a multitude of candles stand lit at various, evenly-spaced places along the top of the unscathed cake. A man that may be called "King of Incinera", or maybe the "Fire Shardholder", but likely to be dubbed "Hiro" steps out of the smoke.
OOC: Happy Birthday HA2! LOL!
For those of you who wish to track my storyline:
A lone man awaits a friend (Invite Only)
Hiro Mugensai
KamakaziPlumber wrote:
Go ask. Go ask now.
STR/DEF includes weapons/armor increases
Back by popular demand™
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
The cake, though being handed out by one such as Tingle, is quickly taken away by any and all people in the area and devoured in an instant. Their taste buds spark as the delicious piece of cake slides down their throat, and most walk away without a second thought as to what the sensation the cake bring might be.
Some, however, recognize the cake as what it truly is, a TINGLE-filled piece of heaven. New power can be felt emerging within all who eat the tasty treat, hopefully serving to prepare them for the trials of the next year as they continue to protect Hyrule from the dark fates that would befall it.
Xokorn, Stefan, and Hiro have earned 1 TP.
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 214
Class: grunt
: 367
TP: 1
tatsu wanders around the celebrations, following the noise, he comes across tingle. he approaches and asks "Hey, can I have some?" after recieving a piece of cake, tatsu wanders back into the crowd.
OOC: I hope im not too late...
"Fear is a way to control people. Find out there fear, make it real, and control them by it. Fear is the answer to everything. We do things by fear, so why not control others fear, while making our own passion." Tatsu said to a mysterious person in a cloak on a moonless dessert night.
DEF 3 +2(shield)
AGI 3 + 3(Race)
HP 51
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
The cake, though being handed out by one such as Tingle, is quickly taken away by any and all people in the area and devoured in an instant. Their taste buds spark as the delicious piece of cake slides down their throat, and most walk away without a second thought as to what the sensation the cake bring might be.
Some, however, recognize the cake as what it truly is, a TINGLE-filled piece of heaven. New power can be felt emerging within all who eat the tasty treat, hopefully serving to prepare them for the trials of the next year as they continue to protect Hyrule from the dark fates that would befall it.
tatsu has earned 1 TP.
Level 7
Joined: Experience: 435
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
: 412
TP: 1
'Leaves a strange sensation in my mouth, but boy is the taste worth it!'
"Hey you... midget, you mind serving me some of 'that'?" said the enthusiastic Zora smiling, pointing at the several story high dessert.
'What IS this anyway?' he thought as he watched how everyone was enjoying 'it'.
'It's gotta be that 'shooger' I've heard of, definitely wonder how it tastes, then let's find out' after finishing the small monologue, Kalex is still waiting for a piece of cake.
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
The cake, though being handed out by one such as Tingle, is quickly taken away by any and all people in the area and devoured in an instant. Their taste buds spark as the delicious piece of cake slides down their throat, and most walk away without a second thought as to what the sensation the cake bring might be.
Some, however, recognize the cake as what it truly is, a TINGLE-filled piece of heaven. New power can be felt emerging within all who eat the tasty treat, hopefully serving to prepare them for the trials of the next year as they continue to protect Hyrule from the dark fates that would befall it.
Alex has earned 1 TP.
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 33
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
: 421
TP: 0
Hernandi had wandered into the middle of the large celebration. He was trying to find his way through the the croud, when he saw the largest cake he had ever seen. Suddenly realizing he was hungery, he went up and grabbed a slice from the short, strange man in the red and green costume.
I assure you, the equipment is fairly safe.- Hernandi
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
The cake, though being handed out by one such as Tingle, is quickly taken away by any and all people in the area and devoured in an instant. Their taste buds spark as the delicious piece of cake slides down their throat, and most walk away without a second thought as to what the sensation the cake bring might be.
Some, however, recognize the cake as what it truly is, a TINGLE-filled piece of heaven. New power can be felt emerging within all who eat the tasty treat, hopefully serving to prepare them for the trials of the next year as they continue to protect Hyrule from the dark fates that would befall it.
Hernandi has earned 1 TP.
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 614
Class: scholar//mage
: 802
TP: 2
Sakiko pushed her way through the crowd, staring at the magnificent cake with round eyes. She gaped as she examined the overly large pastry with wonder and amazement. The mage said aloud,
"Well, I might as well...take one."
She took the slice of cake from tingle, and quickly devoured it. Whoa, this is delicious!
There is nothing to lean on. Memories fade away with time. People die. Friends become enemies. There is nothing, nothing in the world that lasts.
<a href=" http://desertcolossus.com/adventures/vi ... >Sakiko</a>
DEF 12
HP 33
SPL 57
Cloud 9
Level 7
Joined: Experience: 534
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 961
TP: 1
Cloud, tired from all his travels, always has time for cake, and dancey-dancey, but thats another story.
Cloud takes a slice of cake, and sits down happily to eat it.
(Im a bit tired tonight. Ill make thsi better later.)
Cloud - Hyrule's Self-Proclaimed Greatest Mage
Known Abilities
Favor of the Goddesses
Fairy {Lvl 1}
Spell {Lvl 1}
Polymorph {Lvl 1}
Elemental Explosion {Lvl 1}
Train: Bow {Lvl 1}
Arcane Archery {Lvl 1}
Scroll of Fire
Level 2
Joined: Experience: 66
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
: 160
TP: 1
The massive goron looked inquisitively at the giant structure before him. It was covered in multitudes of colors, and people walking by seemed to enjoy eating small parts of it.
"Goro? What is this strange thing, goro?"
The goron took the small piece handed to him by one of the human guards and eyed it strangely. Goro? This is not a rock, is it?. He took the small morsel and placed it into his gaping mouth. He slowly swallowed the object the others were calling 'cake' and he carefully pondered its flavor. It is no rock sirloin, goro!
"Thank you, goro." The looming figure silently plodded off to another part of the town.
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
The cake, though being handed out by one such as Tingle, is quickly taken away by any and all people in the area and devoured in an instant. Their taste buds spark as the delicious piece of cake slides down their throat, and most walk away without a second thought as to what the sensation the cake bring might be.
Some, however, recognize the cake as what it truly is, a TINGLE-filled piece of heaven. New power can be felt emerging within all who eat the tasty treat, hopefully serving to prepare them for the trials of the next year as they continue to protect Hyrule from the dark fates that would befall it.
Sakiko, Cloud, and Goncorgoro have earned 1 TP.
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 9
Class: Vagabond
: 18
TP: 0
Cake. A celebratory food. But oh how good it was! Even when not feeling particularly giddy, it made you that much happier. So he took one, inspecting the tiny flakes and crevices that surrounded the delicious piece. Not wanting to waste it too fast, he took the bites in restricted portions, savoring each morsel as it slid slowly down his thoat. Upon consumption, he was tempted to try to grab a second, but was deterred by the person handling it's dispersion. He cringed at the thought, but proceeded in granting thanks before making his way along.
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
The cake, though being handed out by one such as Tingle, is quickly taken away by any and all people in the area and devoured in an instant. Their taste buds spark as the delicious piece of cake slides down their throat, and most walk away without a second thought as to what the sensation the cake bring might be.
Some, however, recognize the cake as what it truly is, a TINGLE-filled piece of heaven. New power can be felt emerging within all who eat the tasty treat, hopefully serving to prepare them for the trials of the next year as they continue to protect Hyrule from the dark fates that would befall it.
Sen has earned 1 TP.