Hernandi's Profile

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zoratunic Level 1
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Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:54 pm
Hernadi's stats
Race: Zora
Base Class: Vagabond
Main Class: Ranger
Alignment: Neutral

DEF 1+2(sheild)+12(armor)=15
SPI 1 +1(race)=2
HP 32
Last edited by zoratunic on Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
zoratunic Level 1
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Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:15 pm
Hernandi's talents
L1 Boomerang
Disarm Trap
Calm Beast

Talent Points
Deku wood for the Goron
Take the cake
Return Lantern to Malon---used
Return Link doll to Rito child---used
Return trophy to Mayor---used
Last edited by zoratunic on Tue Aug 21, 2007 7:48 pm, edited 5 times in total.
zoratunic Level 1
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Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:20 pm
Name: Hernandi
Race: Zora
Age: 16
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lbs.

Hernandi is a teenage river Zora, with a slightly silverish skin tone, who wears his wax covered (so it's water proof) leather jerkin, and tan canvas pants. He carries his shield on his back, and his dagger on his belt. Over his shoulder is his satchel, in which he carries all his various necessary items.

Hernandi is a young Zora who has spent most of his life traveling with Gerudo theives. Whlie he was still a young child, his parents took him to the beach near the Parapa desert. While there, they stumbled upon a Gerudo gang's hideout. The plan of the thieves was to sneak into the castle, and assasinate the Royal family, to avenge the vanquishing of their leader, Ganondorf. While trying to escape and tell the rest of Hyrule about this, Hernandi and his family were captured by the thieves. His parents were executed in front of him, but he was given the option to come with them. Even though he was only 10 then, he was clever, and Hernandi knew that he could use this as an oportunity to sabotoge the plan to kill the Royal family. It was over a year by the time the plan was ready to go into effect, and in that time, Hernandi had gained the trust of the theives. On the night of the raid, Hernandi's job was to kill a couple of guards, but secretly, without the Gerudo's notice, he warned them of the attack, and many of the potential assasins were captured before they even got on the castle grounds. Hernandi escaped with the uncaptured Gerudos for the sole purpose of bringing them down someday. Due to the lack of higher ranking theives, Hernandi became the head hunter among the group, where he learned most of his skills. For the next five years, he traveled across the country, fitting in among the thieves, sometimes letting their plans suceed, sometimes not, to make sure he wasn't suspected. Among his travels, he took part in a raid on a family of traveling Hylian merchants. He witnessed the parents' death, and the offer to the child to join the theives, painfully bringing back the memories of his childhood. He quickly befriended the child, and he was the only one Hernandi confided his secret plans to. However, one night, Hernandi was on guard duty, when he noticed a large group of Hylian Knights riding towards the camp. He let them ride straight towards the tents the theives had erected that night. He believed that the knights would sneak in and simply arrest everyone. To his horror, however, they threw their torches into the camp, setting the entire place ablaze. Hernandi tried to save the child he had befriended, but being a Zora, he couldn't take the extreme heat at all for very long, so he had to wait out the blaze, praying to the gods his friend was okay. Then next morning, when the fire had died down,he saw no sign of the child, let alone any of the theives. From then on, he trusted neither the exiles in the desert, nor the Hylian Knights, only people who have proven their trust to him.[/b]
I assure you, the equipment is fairly safe.- Hernandi
zoratunic Level 1
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Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:44 pm
Hernandi's items

Deku Dagger: Hernandi uses this to fend off most attacks.

Cucco: Hernandi keeps this as a pet, and attack animal.

North Iron Ore: This is very heavy, and Hernandi wants to get rid of it.

Deku Shield: Hernandi uses this to defend himself.

Leather Jerkin: Hernandi thinks he looks cool in this.

Leever Claw: Hernandi is puzzled by this red x.

Deku Boomerang: Hernandi hits people with this. Hard.

Bracelet: Hernandi likes it becuase it is shiny.

Trophy: This let's Hernandi pretend he's actually won a contest.

Red Desert Flower: Essential for an antidote Hernandi needs.
I assure you, the equipment is fairly safe.- Hernandi
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