"Richarn, what happened?!"
The voice was King Harkinian's, struggling to restrain his voice from taking on too horrified a tone. But his face, and that of his daughter's, are both revealing how sickened they are by the sight they have just witnessed. Koura's hands, which had been trying to support Noval's form, have dropped the general to the ground so they can cover up her own mouth, trying to curb her body's responsive desire to throw up. Shada isn't faring nearly as well as the Gerudo, and dashes over to the hole in the throne room floor so that no one can see. Alpha just stands there, eyes wide in shock, glad that Calla was still sleeping in her room.
Noval slowly gets to his feet. "There . . . there was another person invading his mind. He did . . .
something . . . that blew my mind back out of Laxin's. And then . . ." His gaze fell back down to pile of dirt, unable to believe that their best chance ever to find the Hakiems Tribe's base had been destroyed just like that.
* * *
Segnin shrugs at Sovelis' first comment. "Thank me if you want; I'm just following orders." He then listens to the Tempest's answer, nodding in comprehension. "If you want to talk to Zaboorak, you'll have to follow me. I'm permitted to bring you to our base if you'd like, though should we do so you won't be allowed to know where you are until the Hakiems' Generals have approved you as worthy of such knowledge.
"As for gaining that knowledge . . . you'd need to actually join us. I know the basics of the deal the Zora gave to you, and he's willing to allow you access to his Goldforce Powers whether you join the Hakiems Tribe or not. It's up to you to decide, but you can think about that when we arrive . . . with the events of last night, the rest of the tribe is bound to be anxious for revenge on those adventurers," he reports, managing to keep scorn from his voice. "The tribe's leaders, Lord Zaboorak included, will no doubt be quite busy planning our retaliation. So it may be a little while before he can attend to repay our debt to you."
He turns around, motioning towards his back. "If you're gonna come with me, then grab hold of my shoulders. I can turn us into a bolt of lightning, and we'll be there in a few minutes, tops."
* * *
"So it's done, huh? You killed him?"
The wizard drew himself away from his cauldron, rising with a weighted expression on his face. "Yes," he said at last. "It is finished; Laxin is dead."
Alik walked up to where the cauldron sat, staring at the image magically projected onto the water's surface. "Kinda grusome, don't you think?"
"Perhaps," he replied with a nod. "But it was the only way to kill him before the Golden Hylian could delve into the secrets concerning Wraith that lay in Laxin's head. Any other spell from this distance would have taken too long; he'd have likely learned of Yuenbri's identity."
Alik whirled around to face the man, removing the mask from his head so that the wizard could see the anger burning in his eyes. "Yes, that would have been absolutely
"Alik . . ." Alik didn't even dare to respond, knowing quite well that if he even so much as spoke he'd release his rage completely on the man, and that wouldn't work out for him very well in the long run. The mage's eyes lowered to the ground as he turned away from the man. "I know, I . . . I should have told you right out what my reasons were. But I truly thought Yuenbri would be more willing. I thought that, when faced with certain death, he would at least
consider using Korev's power." His brow furrowed in anger and shame. "Now that I know better . . . I can only say that the fault is mine."
"Nice to know," Alik finally said as he hurled his Wraith mask and cape to the ground. "Always did love to be able to
trust my employers!" He threw his hands in the air, a tangible rage building in the air around him, so much so that the wizard knew he was drawing on the power that he had been given by the wizard. "Now, how best should I be paid for this humiliation?!"
"Alik . . . I should have told you my reasons before. I am sorry."
"Yeah. I'll bet you are . . .
Idarz." Two balls of flame erupted in the assassin's hands, building in power every second as he focused on the outrage in his soul, slowly taking a step towards the man before him.
The warlock Idarz nodded. "I truthfully am, Alik. You may not believe me, but what I have done, I have done for the best." He didn't even turn to the source of the rising temperatures, instead walking slowly away from his cauldron and deeper into the dark shadows of his study. "I could not allow Yuenbri to be killed, just as I could not kill you - the powers of Korev and Honaruu can only be extinguished by each other, and as the guardian of their powers, I must ensure that you two, as the bearers of such power, continue to exist until you can have your final fight."
Alik knew all this, and it didn't do a thing to calm him down. His fiery eyes blazed all the hotter as he approached the wizard, imagine the hundreds of ways he could burn Idarz apart. Should he start from the inside and come out? Maybe burn off his fingers and toes, then appendages, and then slowly work his way towards the brain . . . of course, that method would likely make him bleed to death before he could feel the full force of his fire. "Alik . . . now, you should know my reason. You see . . .
"Earth and Light have descended."
The fireballs dropped towards the ground as Alik's jaw did the same, any frustration in his mind giving way to shock and fear. "A-are you su-sure?"
"I am. I sensed Knarkus and Larrenial entering our realm weeks ago . . . and have spoken with Aalya since. She has confirmed all this."
Alik's hands flew outward in disbelieve, trying to grasp hold of the information suddenly being fed to him. His words were frantic as he sputtered out, "But - but why would - why would they join this?! Honaruu and Korev's fight is just that: a fight between the two of them! What business do Earth and Light have in interfering!?!"
Idarz finally turned back to face him. "Aalya says that they do have a stake in this. Earth and Light . . . they each have a connection to Shadow and Fire, remember." Alik bit his lip; that was true. The earth gives rise to shadows like nothing else can, just as fire gives out a light like no other. Every element was bound, in some way, to Shadow and Light; therefore he should not have been surprised to find out that they would be concerned with the outcome.
But he was surprised. And deftly afraid. Especially when the wizard continued. "To make matters worse, they have not taken the same precautions Korev and Honaruu did. Their power is open to whoever can find the gate and has Earth and Light as their elemental affinity . . . they have not taken into account the many possibilities of people in the world." He turned to face Alik. "That is why we need Wraith to access Korev's Gate once more, and by his own will, no less. Whereas you embrace Honaruu's gift, he shuns the almighty shadows.
"Should Earth or Light fall into the wrong hands before I can locate them, and place on them the correct protective spells, we will require his assistance. And if he is not
willingly using Korev's power when that time comes . . . he will be as useless as if he had never even known of the gate." Idarz's eyes narrowed as he stared into Alik's. "You understand now, yes?"
The response was slow in coming. ". . . yeah. I understand." Alik slowly fumbled his way through the room, not fully aware of his surroundings anymore as the shock took control. He just slowly began removing pieces of his Wraith outfit, laying them on a nearby table . . . the needles, the gauntlets, the electric wrist pack . . . when they were all removed from his person, he made his way over to the far wall, retrieving his own weapons of choice and sliding their sheathes onto his back. "But still . . ." he muttered, "I can't serve someone who withheld that kind of stuff. Who kept something so important away from me."
Idarz nodded in understanding. "If you wish to leave . . . I won't stop you." He finally turned to face Alik. "But do keep the gateway. It's of no use to me, especially since taking it from you would only violate my agreement with Honaruu."
Alik met his gaze one last time. "I'm still going to kill that Wraith. If not through you, then by myself." Then he turned and strode into a wall of fire that appeared before him, vanishing to another place.
"So be it, then . . ." Idarz lowered his head and was silent for many long moments.
"Aalya . . . Goddess of Time you may be . . . but I wish you would tell me how this can work in your plan . . ."
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56