Young Hylian On a Stump

Moderator: Royal Guard

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Goncorgoro Level 2
Joined: Experience: 66
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
Rupees: 160
TP: 1
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:46 pm
With that deed done, the goron took a moment to survey the carnage around him. This battle was quickly turning their way, though they would need to rest soon after. The goron decided quickly to reenter the action unfolding before him. Saber was in the process of slicing at the maimed skeleton nearby, and the enormous figure thought he could help. He called out to his friend, saying, "Saber, move away quickly, goro!" With that, he reached into the deep crevasses of his back, pulling forth a unique little barrel, the emblem of a goron skull on the front. As it exited, a small thread of black cord was pinched between two rocks on Goncor's back. The thread burst into flame.

The powder keg was now being swung through the air at the end of the goron's arm. The giant's lack of coordination was apparent when it sailed right past the stalfo near Saber. It rebounded off the wall without exploding(a marvel of goron engineering) and bounced clumsily over to the remains of the first stalfo. The colossal figure knew that he didn't have time to retrieve it and try again, so he quickly ducked down into his rocky hide, preparing for any force the blast might give.

OoC: I'm on to your tricks, Aurel!!! ...with some help from Saber, of course.
HP: 31 SPL: 5 Will: 2
STR: 8 DEF: 15 AGI: 3
INT: 3 SPI: 1 Spell: 7
Equipment: L1 Jerkin, Deku Shield

Immune to Ghoma's poison